STICKMANS' JOURNAL...8/23/07...Thursday... My brother Larry picked me up this morning, and drove me the 6 hours back to Bennington, Vermont. We got there, stopped into the Blue Benn Diner,

...then headed out to the trailhead.

I got a bit of a late start for hiking, it being a little after 4:00 PM, but managed to arrive at the Seth Warner Lean-to by 10:00 PM.

I hiked 11.5 miles, with a good part of that stretch hiked after sunset, with my headlamp glowing. There is something special about an occasional night-hike. Although so much of your surroundings is unseen, there is a certain beauty in the darkness, and your senses are heightened.
When I reached the end of my trail today, I arrived at the shelter to find a nice fire burning, and plenty of room for me. I gave out cards to everyone, all NOBOs. I know that I missed the majority of NOBOs when I was off trail, and I am probably the last, or close to last, SOBO... so pray that I will continue to see others while I am out here! Maybe I can catch up to a few of the other SOBOs!
It was a bit of a tough day for the first day back on trail, but the leg seems to be holding up well. I am also amazed at how out of shape I have gotten in just three weeks of not hiking! I've put on weight, and my muscles have lost tone... but if you keep praying, I'll keep hiking! God Bless!