I had a great hike this past week, just haven't had a chance to sit down and tell you about it. I also wanted to share a couple of pictures with you all, but hadn't gotten them downloaded. Thanks go out to my son, Josh, for getting them onto the computer for me.
The hike was a local one, out on Route 201, between Madison,(Maine), and Norridgewock. It is an easy jaunt, up a good sized hill, (or a very tiny mountain)... We always called it Hedgehog Rock. At any rate, it is a relaxing uphill stroll, on an old gravel road. Let's just call it a trail... ahem... a "jeep trail". This little hill holds some special memories for me, as I spent many hours on many visits, on my trailbike when younger. I also hunted the area, years back. Fortunately, for the deer, I never got past the "hunting" part... I never found any deer!
It is an interesting place, an overlook likely used by the Abnaki Indians, before their settlement, located down below the rock and along the banks of the Kennebec River, was destroyed, and a large portion of their population massacred at the same time. If interested, try an online search... try keywords, Abnaki, Abenaki, Wabenaki, Norridgewock, Father Rasle, massacre... you'll find an incredible account of the area and it's history. I believe the attack occured in 1724... ...back to the hike...
Even though I had been to Hedgehog Rock many, many times, this hike qualified as a "first time" hike. It was the first sighting of the "Little Critter" up there. You see, I wasn't alone! I had the pleasure of hiking with our Grandson, Kolby! It was the first hike I had been able to share with him... and his first hike! I am hoping and praying that we will have many more opportunities to share these hikes together, exploring the amazing woods and wildlife that God has created for us. We surely did see some other critters, a squirrel, and a couple of partridge that Kolby rousted into flight!... but the only critter captured on camera was Kolby! I'd like to share these photos with you!
Wow! This is one of the best hikes EVER!
Thanks so much for letting me share this special time with you! If you happen to have a Little Critter hanging around the house with you, take my advice... bring him outside, and let him go! You will both have a wonderful time exploring the great outdoors, and discovering the joys of hiking... 'til next time...
God Bless!