Stickman here, stopping for a short break before moving a little further downtrail... OK... So I'm not on trail yet, but I thought I would take a minute to make an entry in the "journal".
I thought I would let you all know the status of the much anticipated 2011 Appalachian Trail / ScriptureStick Ministry Hike. At this point, it's moving forward!

The intent is to put scripture (God's WORD) into the hands of hikers, encouraging them, and letting God's word travel the hiking trails, witnessing to all who read them.

In actuality, ScriptureSticks have gone out to all sorts of folks, all about the United States, and overseas.
We have even made ScriptureSticks with the Scripture crafted onto the Stick in Swahili. Those ScriptureSticks are in Kenya!
We minister in other ways, too! We attend local fairs, and craft shows, where passersby stop and read scripture. We "Gift" many ScriptureSticks throughout the year, and make charitable donations of ScriptureSticks to local worthy causes. We also try to maintain a trail presence up here in Maine, attempting to assist Hikers as they make their way down the trail, by providing a ride to town, offering a drink, a bite to eat, and any other support which we could offer.
In 2007, we were able to get ScriptureSticks Hiking Ministry out on the Appalachian Trail in an attempted thru-hike. (Read about it in previous blog posts!) It was a SOBO attempt, hiking from Maine, southward, towards Springer Mtn., GA. The hike fell a little short of Georgia, ending in Peekskill, NY,(800 miles hiked!), but the ministry aspect was a total success! I met many hikers,offering up help and conversation. A few hundred ScriptureSticks were gifted during this time, on trail and off!
... Back to the 2011 hike! We are still defining hike details, and how we might best be witnesses. The "Plan" at this point, is to hike out of Georgia, with the NOBO's, before March 1st, get to know and help my fellow hikers, come off trail in NY... return to Maine by June 1st... work... assist the SOBO's... assist my NOBO hiker friends as they enter Maine on their final leg of their hike! And, of course, there will be many ScriptureSticks gifted along the way!
At this point, we are defining timing, work issues, ministry "wants", and monetary "needs". You might be able to help us with that last one! What we are praying for, is that you, and many others, will simply purchase a ScriptureStick! You might procure one for yourself, and get out there and hike, or purchase one for a friend. Another option is to purchase a ScriptureStick to be "gifted" during the hike! You can also help us by sharing! Please share with family and friends, making them aware of our ministry. Share with them our blog...
Share with them our ScriptureSticks Ministry site! ...
Whatever way you can be a help... will be appreciated! Please remember to PRAY for Mrs. Stickman and I... it will be MOST appreciated!
Take care, God Bless!