Sunday, December 21, 2008

ScriptureSticks, ScriptureSticks, and MORE ScriptureSticks!

Good morning, everyone! I have not jotted out any new posts for the last month, or so, as I have been very busy! As the post heading blatantly suggests, we have been kinda busy with the ScriptureSticks!

We were pacing ourselves fairly well, in getting some done every night, ...or at least every night that we didn't have a commitment that would take us away from it. The Pastors Appreciation certificates had started to come in more steadily, and we are caught up with them, for now... we haven't heard from ALL the Pastors yet! So, if you are one of the Pastors out there who are in posession of a ScriptureStick certificate, please feel free to contact us. We would LOVE to complete Your ScriptureStick! We did have a minor "OOOPS!" moment, when we discovered that we had mixed up a couple of ScriptureSticks, as they were being put into shipping tubes... so, after some scurrying to make up two more sticks, there are a couple of Pastors out there who have... two ScriptureSticks! They now have an opportunity to gift a ScriptureStick to someone else! Isn't that great!?! ...we are sorry for the mixup, but know that all works out for the Glory of God! ...Thanks for your understanding and patience!

We have also tried to keep up with orders, and... let's see... uhuh, all caught up with orders! I will say, I started to panic the other night, when we recieved a call from a nice gentleman from Georgia. He was looking to purchase a few ScriptureSticks for victims of Hurricane Katrina! He was attempting to get them to the intended recipients by Christmas! I was willing to do my best, and work throughout the night, if need be... but what he needed, I didn't have. He was looking to purchase some canes, (which I have), but they needed to have a crooked handle, for more secure support. Unfortunately, we are all out of crooked handle sticks. (I will surely try to cut many more of those, come Springtime.) The best I could do was to thank him for calling, and to take time to reflect, and pray, for those less fortunate than myself. We (I) had kind of put the Hurricane Katrina victims to the back of my mind... you know,... they're not in the news much anymore. But the reality is that there were many, many people whose lives were severely disrupted, and although many will heal from their ordeal, they will all remain victims... so, if you would, please include these folks in your prayers. ...and if you can find it in your heart, look for some way to do a kindness for someone less fortunate than yourself! As I reflect, I have no problem thinking of someone who could use a helping hand, words of encouragement, friendship, and prayer...

Well, as much as it looks like we are kinda caught up, the reality is that we are not caught up! We have other ScriptureSticks to be made up for folks that we want to "gift" to, honor, thank, etcetera! I just delivered one to a friend, who had helped me when I was on the trail. He jokingly asked if he could have whatever he wanted burned onto the stick, perhaps something by Shakespeare. No, I said... scripture only! Ok, he replied, how about "Gird your loins."? Well, always wanting to comply as best I can, and still get the proper message, I chose 1 Peter 1:13,

"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

I am always up for a challenge! ...Hope he enjoys his ScriptureStick!

Yikes! Looks like I have to go! ...Just enough time to ask God to Bless all of you, so, with that, may God Bless you ALL! 'til next time... yours in Christ!
