Thought I would give you all a little update on David "Faithful" Barnes, and ask you to keep him in your prayers.

Faithful was my hiking partner on the Appalachian Trail Mission Hike in 2007. The picture of him, above, is from that wonderful hike. While I came off trail in New York, Dave was well on his way SOBO. He hiked into the Fall, came off trail, then went back on trail in the Spring, completing the whole A.T. within a year!
I recieved an e-mail from his mom, Lillian the other day, with news that Faithful was going back on trail... this time he hikes the "Long Trail"! The plan was that he would start on trail sometime yesterday.
The Long Trail is in Vermont... in fact, it runs 272 miles along the length of the State of Vermont, from the Vermont/Massachusetts border, near Williamstown, MA, to the Vermont/Canada border, near North Troy, Vermont. The trail is the oldest in the U.S., built between 1910 and 1930, by the Green Mountain Club, and pretty much follows the ridge of the Green Mountains! Faithful should be able to enjoy some of Vermont's highest peaks, and it's most beautiful hiking!
The start of the Trail should be very familiar to Faithful, as the first 100 miles of the Long Trail is also part of the Appalachian Trail... but ALL of the hike will be a new adventure! Faithful should be able to complete the hike in about four weeks, but... just to make the hike more enjoyable, safer, and successful... let's all make an effort to include Faithful in our daily prayers! I know that your prayers will be greatly appreciated by Faithful and family, and thank you for them.
I must sign off for now, but will let you know if I hear more news about Faithful.
Hope all of you are being Blessed greatly!