Time... It sometimes flashes lightning fast before your eyes, yet at other times it crawls along so slowly that you are positive you could outhike it.
Healing times are usually a bit like that. As time drags onward during the healing process, we might become impatient, causing time to move a little more slowly... and the healing to take a little bigger chunk of that precious time. Ever notice that when a cut finally is reaching the end of its' healing process, you just have to pick at the scab... reopening the wound? Also, the rate of the passage of time is the inverse of the amount of patience. Therefore, the longer that the healing process is ongoing, the longer the healing process will be ongoing... exponentially.
My healing time has reached another monthly "mile marker". My quadruple bypass was performed, quite successfully, on 10/21/11, two months ago. ...and now I watch time beginning to drag its' feet. It isn't unbearable, but I am almost at the point of "picking at the scab"!
Every little hold-up in the healing process seems to try to throw me off my intended path. Waiting to hear from the surgeon for the final OK to begin official rehab... nasty cold weather, or, like today, freezing rain, that just makes you NOT want to take another walk... you get the picture.
However! Even as I begin to get weary from waiting... I recieve much encouragement from friends and family! The folks from Crossroads Bible Church have lifted me up, weekly, and Pastor has been thoughtful to swing by for a visit, or take me up to his camp. I get phone calls from my Brothers Bill and Larry, who are always offering their help. I have been entertained while reading faithful's Journey on the Appalachian Trail, which was written by David M. "Faithful" Barnes. As most of you know, Faithful was my hiking partner on my 2007 Appalachian Trail thruhike attempt. I was his hiking partner on part of his successful hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2007! He is an awesome young fella, and he has since completed the Long Trail in Vermont.
I got a call from Johnny "4Iron" Male yesterday... he lifted my spirits with some good ol' trail talk. We discussed his recent gear strategies, pack weight, and folks he has met on the Trail... then it hit me, and I had to ask. "Johnny, are you planning on going back on trail in the Spring?" Yes, yes he is... my heart started to beat with excitement for him! Time was starting to move again! I had hope! Hope for Johnny, and hope for me! Healing, for me, is going to take some time, but, it will be time well spent... and, someday, I will step back out on the Appalachian Trail, and KNOW that my healing is finally complete.
Thanks to all of you who are pausing to think of me, say a little prayer, and give some of your time for my benefit. I look forward to being able to see a few of you out on the trail... or over a good cup of coffee, while I heal. Until then, let's all be patient, and just enjoy the Blessings that God so graciously gives us...
...and I pray that God gives you many Blessings!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Stickman, or "Sickman"?
Well folks... I had a pretty close call, recently! I sometimes give a little thought as to the possible dangers that could stop me in my tracks, when I am out for a hike. Things like a bad fall... but it doesn't necessarily take a bad fall to knock you down. Sometimes it is something that can sneak up on you. Like bad health!
I guess you might wonder how a Stickman, who works hard, hikes, and kayaks, could be in bad health... (I was wondering the same thing!). Well... ol' Stickman wasn't taking good care of himself! He had gotten his weight down to 185 after being on the A.T., but had gobbled his way back to almost 240 whopping pounds! Working and playing hard just wasn't getting it done. I was having a long term affair with "Little Debbie" snacks, eating to excess, and making incredibly poor "food" choices. I also hadn't had a physical in a couple of years, and had no primary care physician... a recipe for disaster!
So... almost a couple of months ago I was at my new physician's office, ready for my first physical. Ten minutes into it, she made me aware that I probably had some heart issues!!! "Here's your sign"!!! High blood pressure... overweight... tired... a little short of breath... slight pressure on my chest... occasional light chest pain!!! Nah!!! ...
NO WAY was I sick! I was way too active, and I didn't feel "that bad". But, she was insistent. I was scheduled for a stress test. Then a nuclear stress test... the results were, lets say "marginally" positive. I was in denial, too. Yet, a couple of days later, feeling very tired, I went to the E.R., just to be safe... (I was convinced to go, by my wife and her co-workers at the said hospital). I ended up staying, and next day found myself on the way to EMMC in Bangor, which was more than equipped to deal with me. I was still in denial... I'm a STICKMAN! I got the best treatment, along with not so good news... the cardiac catheterization revealed that I had seven major blockages... one at 90%, two at 80%, two at 70%, and one each at 60% and 40%... I figured they got my results confused with someone elses, and was SURE I could go back to work the next day!
Well, they were right, and five and one-half weeks ago I underwent open heart surgery. My surgeon did a great job, as did all of the staff, and I survived my quadruple bypass! Yay! I am healing and getting stronger day by day, thanks to skillfull surgery, caring and competent nursing, and lots of love, care, and prayer from family and friends. Needless to say, my lifestyle and eating habits have been drastically changed.
I'm sure that I need to give you all no further warning of the dangers lurking around, trying to steal your health. You don't even have to fall off a cliff to hurt yourself!

THIS COULD BE YOU, if you fall off a cliff, (or just don't take good care of yourself!)
So... I'll get healed up, build some strength, and see you all out on the trails again this year. Until then, take good care of yourselves, and enjoy God's daily blessings in your lives,
I guess you might wonder how a Stickman, who works hard, hikes, and kayaks, could be in bad health... (I was wondering the same thing!). Well... ol' Stickman wasn't taking good care of himself! He had gotten his weight down to 185 after being on the A.T., but had gobbled his way back to almost 240 whopping pounds! Working and playing hard just wasn't getting it done. I was having a long term affair with "Little Debbie" snacks, eating to excess, and making incredibly poor "food" choices. I also hadn't had a physical in a couple of years, and had no primary care physician... a recipe for disaster!
So... almost a couple of months ago I was at my new physician's office, ready for my first physical. Ten minutes into it, she made me aware that I probably had some heart issues!!! "Here's your sign"!!! High blood pressure... overweight... tired... a little short of breath... slight pressure on my chest... occasional light chest pain!!! Nah!!! ...
NO WAY was I sick! I was way too active, and I didn't feel "that bad". But, she was insistent. I was scheduled for a stress test. Then a nuclear stress test... the results were, lets say "marginally" positive. I was in denial, too. Yet, a couple of days later, feeling very tired, I went to the E.R., just to be safe... (I was convinced to go, by my wife and her co-workers at the said hospital). I ended up staying, and next day found myself on the way to EMMC in Bangor, which was more than equipped to deal with me. I was still in denial... I'm a STICKMAN! I got the best treatment, along with not so good news... the cardiac catheterization revealed that I had seven major blockages... one at 90%, two at 80%, two at 70%, and one each at 60% and 40%... I figured they got my results confused with someone elses, and was SURE I could go back to work the next day!
Well, they were right, and five and one-half weeks ago I underwent open heart surgery. My surgeon did a great job, as did all of the staff, and I survived my quadruple bypass! Yay! I am healing and getting stronger day by day, thanks to skillfull surgery, caring and competent nursing, and lots of love, care, and prayer from family and friends. Needless to say, my lifestyle and eating habits have been drastically changed.
I'm sure that I need to give you all no further warning of the dangers lurking around, trying to steal your health. You don't even have to fall off a cliff to hurt yourself!
THIS COULD BE YOU, if you fall off a cliff, (or just don't take good care of yourself!)
So... I'll get healed up, build some strength, and see you all out on the trails again this year. Until then, take good care of yourselves, and enjoy God's daily blessings in your lives,
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Gold in Maine!
Gold in Maine? What's that got to do with hiking? I don't know...
Hello hiker and non-hiker friends,
I got a bit off the beaten path with this topic, but I just had to say... there's GOLD in Maine!... and I found some! This week I made two trips to a local river, and tried my hand at learning to pan. I journeyed to New Portland, more specifically, I arrived at the "Wire Bridge", on the Carrabassett River. Now, let me just say... although I was hopeful to find a two ounce nugget, I knew I would be happy just panning some gravel down to the heavier "black sand". I don't know of anyone who has tried to pan there, and it is not listed as a place to find any gold in Maine. (The popular and productive place to hobby pan is the Swift River, up around Byron). Well, on my first outing, I had panned seven or so pans of gravel down to the black sand, and, in continuing to pan out, found no gold. I did find some nails, old glass, and strangely, a "jack", from the old game of "Jacks". I know... some of you are scratching your head... The game of Jacks consisted of a bunch of "jacks", and a ball. You bounced the ball, and scooped up the jacks... not as easy as you would think!
The next pan of gravel was slowly panned down to black sand, and once to that point, I worked it a bit longer. I decided that there was nothing in the pan other than dirt, when... a flash of gold! My first ever! Yeah, it was small, but...
I came home, proud as a peacock, proclaiming to my dear wife that I had struck gold. When she asked where it was, I said, "Right here! Look!". I had left it, all by itself, in the gold pan. She took a look, and said,"Where is it?!?"
...yeah, it was small!
Yet, the rewards of getting out there to pan were huge! The river, rough with large boulders that accent it's cascading waters, meanders down and around the mountains. Kind of reminds me of the Appalachian Trail in wet weather! The river bottom was very difficult to walk on, but the cool waters were so soothing to the feet. The gentle rushing of water relaxed me, as did the quiet beauty all around. Occasionally, a vehicle would cross over the spectacular Wire Bridge, stirring me back to some sense of here and now, and I would do a time check. I didn't really want to leave... scooping up another helping of dirt and a splash of water, I would start the gentle swishing/washing that complimented the rythms of my breathing...
The river drew me back today, and I spent a couple of happy afternoon hours standing in it, sampling small bits of it's gravels with my trowel and pan. No gold, but "lodes" of fun and relaxation! The only finds of the day were, again, as interesting to me as gold. Bits of blue glass that had been worn to a rough smoothness, some nice specimens of jasper that turn bright blood red when wet, and an old penny. LUCKY!!!
I think it does one's body,(and mind), well to occasionally stop doing, and start doing nothing. You likely won't make any money doing nothing, but it won't cost you a lot, either.
So... go hike a trail, or go hike a river. Watch your step, and look around, too! Not all treasures are made of gold...
May your pan be full of blessings!
Hello hiker and non-hiker friends,
I got a bit off the beaten path with this topic, but I just had to say... there's GOLD in Maine!... and I found some! This week I made two trips to a local river, and tried my hand at learning to pan. I journeyed to New Portland, more specifically, I arrived at the "Wire Bridge", on the Carrabassett River. Now, let me just say... although I was hopeful to find a two ounce nugget, I knew I would be happy just panning some gravel down to the heavier "black sand". I don't know of anyone who has tried to pan there, and it is not listed as a place to find any gold in Maine. (The popular and productive place to hobby pan is the Swift River, up around Byron). Well, on my first outing, I had panned seven or so pans of gravel down to the black sand, and, in continuing to pan out, found no gold. I did find some nails, old glass, and strangely, a "jack", from the old game of "Jacks". I know... some of you are scratching your head... The game of Jacks consisted of a bunch of "jacks", and a ball. You bounced the ball, and scooped up the jacks... not as easy as you would think!
The next pan of gravel was slowly panned down to black sand, and once to that point, I worked it a bit longer. I decided that there was nothing in the pan other than dirt, when... a flash of gold! My first ever! Yeah, it was small, but...
I came home, proud as a peacock, proclaiming to my dear wife that I had struck gold. When she asked where it was, I said, "Right here! Look!". I had left it, all by itself, in the gold pan. She took a look, and said,"Where is it?!?"
...yeah, it was small!
Yet, the rewards of getting out there to pan were huge! The river, rough with large boulders that accent it's cascading waters, meanders down and around the mountains. Kind of reminds me of the Appalachian Trail in wet weather! The river bottom was very difficult to walk on, but the cool waters were so soothing to the feet. The gentle rushing of water relaxed me, as did the quiet beauty all around. Occasionally, a vehicle would cross over the spectacular Wire Bridge, stirring me back to some sense of here and now, and I would do a time check. I didn't really want to leave... scooping up another helping of dirt and a splash of water, I would start the gentle swishing/washing that complimented the rythms of my breathing...
The river drew me back today, and I spent a couple of happy afternoon hours standing in it, sampling small bits of it's gravels with my trowel and pan. No gold, but "lodes" of fun and relaxation! The only finds of the day were, again, as interesting to me as gold. Bits of blue glass that had been worn to a rough smoothness, some nice specimens of jasper that turn bright blood red when wet, and an old penny. LUCKY!!!
I think it does one's body,(and mind), well to occasionally stop doing, and start doing nothing. You likely won't make any money doing nothing, but it won't cost you a lot, either.
So... go hike a trail, or go hike a river. Watch your step, and look around, too! Not all treasures are made of gold...
May your pan be full of blessings!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Long Green Tunnel
Hello friends,
I was sitting here sipping a cup of black coffee, checking my mail, and trying to get my head around the things I would like to/need to get done today. So... that started out being an easy one! I would like to get a hike in today!
Then, of course, there is always the "need to" list. I have a bunch of things on that list! ...and they all need consideration, or I will never get to pick from my "like to" list.
On the top of both lists is "complete the Long Green Tunnel"! That doesn't sound too conflicted, does it? No! The problem I am facing is that the "Long Green Tunnel" on my "like to" list is the Appalachian Trail... and it looks like I won't be able to finish it in one day!
The "Long Green Tunnel" on the "need to" list is, of course, my lawn, which is in dire need of a good mowing. I'm not sure that I will be able to finish that in a day either!
I thought I had the lawn under control. Last time I mowed it we were having a good hot spell, nice and dry, and I cut the grass very short. I had hoped to kill it! I guess it must be good grass, as it grew back with a vengeance. In fact, I'm a little scared to go out there and walk on it, let alone mow it!
I guess I don't have many options, and mowing the grass will be good for me... as I exercise I can let my mind explore the places of the A.T. that I have been fortunate enough to walk upon, and imagine what is still ahead of me! I'm hoping that todays' hike of the "Long Green Tunnel" will be exceptional and unforgettable. Perhaps I will even get to see a moose or bear!
May God Bless the steps of your journey today, even if it is a difficult trail.
I was sitting here sipping a cup of black coffee, checking my mail, and trying to get my head around the things I would like to/need to get done today. So... that started out being an easy one! I would like to get a hike in today!
Then, of course, there is always the "need to" list. I have a bunch of things on that list! ...and they all need consideration, or I will never get to pick from my "like to" list.
On the top of both lists is "complete the Long Green Tunnel"! That doesn't sound too conflicted, does it? No! The problem I am facing is that the "Long Green Tunnel" on my "like to" list is the Appalachian Trail... and it looks like I won't be able to finish it in one day!
The "Long Green Tunnel" on the "need to" list is, of course, my lawn, which is in dire need of a good mowing. I'm not sure that I will be able to finish that in a day either!
I thought I had the lawn under control. Last time I mowed it we were having a good hot spell, nice and dry, and I cut the grass very short. I had hoped to kill it! I guess it must be good grass, as it grew back with a vengeance. In fact, I'm a little scared to go out there and walk on it, let alone mow it!
I guess I don't have many options, and mowing the grass will be good for me... as I exercise I can let my mind explore the places of the A.T. that I have been fortunate enough to walk upon, and imagine what is still ahead of me! I'm hoping that todays' hike of the "Long Green Tunnel" will be exceptional and unforgettable. Perhaps I will even get to see a moose or bear!
May God Bless the steps of your journey today, even if it is a difficult trail.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hiker dies on Appalachian Trail
Hey folks,
Some sad news up here in Maine... a hiker died yesterday on the Appalachian Trail. I don't have a lot of details, other than the following... suspected cause of death is head injury, caused by falling and striking head on a rock. Hiker was probably from New York. He was apparantly hiking solo, and was found by a couple of other hikers, about a mile off of the Long Falls Dam Road, on the stretch of trail near Flagstaff Lake, leading towards the Bigelow Range.
Whenever I have a lumber delivery up that way (not often enough), I make it a point to stop on Long Falls Dam Road at the Trail crossing, if only for a few minutes. It is the "unofficial" 2000 mile mark for all of the NOBO (Northbound) Thruhikers, and is thus marked, in the center of the road. I am always in hope of spotting a hiker or two, have a brief chat and offer up encouragement and a cold drink.
Yesterday, I was fortunate to have an early morning delivery up to Spring Lake... At the Trail crossing, I stopped for a couple of minutes, and looked up and down trail. I saw nobody. On my return trip, I once again made a quick stop. This time I stepped out onto the Trail. I didn't venture very far, as I only had a couple of minutes of "break time" left before I needed to get back on the work clock. I again saw no one. I did, however, think that I was out of shape, and certainly not used to navigating such rooty, rocky, mucky, slippery terrain... I considered that I would be in a fine mess if I should take a tumble...
The timing of my stop happened to be just about the same time that the hiker was found, and a 911 call went out... I believe I may have missed meeting him by such a short time...
I would ask you all to take a moment to offer up a bit of prayer. I am sure this will be shocking news and difficult times for the hikers' friends and family. Also, for the hikers who came upon him... I am sure this was a stressful situation for them.
For all of you out hiking, please be extra careful around the rocks, roots, and mud, especially if you are alone. In 2007, when I was out on the A.T., I sometimes found myself stumbling 10 or 12 times a day... and I thought I was doing great!
Pray you are all well... God Bless!
Some sad news up here in Maine... a hiker died yesterday on the Appalachian Trail. I don't have a lot of details, other than the following... suspected cause of death is head injury, caused by falling and striking head on a rock. Hiker was probably from New York. He was apparantly hiking solo, and was found by a couple of other hikers, about a mile off of the Long Falls Dam Road, on the stretch of trail near Flagstaff Lake, leading towards the Bigelow Range.
Whenever I have a lumber delivery up that way (not often enough), I make it a point to stop on Long Falls Dam Road at the Trail crossing, if only for a few minutes. It is the "unofficial" 2000 mile mark for all of the NOBO (Northbound) Thruhikers, and is thus marked, in the center of the road. I am always in hope of spotting a hiker or two, have a brief chat and offer up encouragement and a cold drink.
Yesterday, I was fortunate to have an early morning delivery up to Spring Lake... At the Trail crossing, I stopped for a couple of minutes, and looked up and down trail. I saw nobody. On my return trip, I once again made a quick stop. This time I stepped out onto the Trail. I didn't venture very far, as I only had a couple of minutes of "break time" left before I needed to get back on the work clock. I again saw no one. I did, however, think that I was out of shape, and certainly not used to navigating such rooty, rocky, mucky, slippery terrain... I considered that I would be in a fine mess if I should take a tumble...
The timing of my stop happened to be just about the same time that the hiker was found, and a 911 call went out... I believe I may have missed meeting him by such a short time...
I would ask you all to take a moment to offer up a bit of prayer. I am sure this will be shocking news and difficult times for the hikers' friends and family. Also, for the hikers who came upon him... I am sure this was a stressful situation for them.
For all of you out hiking, please be extra careful around the rocks, roots, and mud, especially if you are alone. In 2007, when I was out on the A.T., I sometimes found myself stumbling 10 or 12 times a day... and I thought I was doing great!
Pray you are all well... God Bless!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"Taking a ZERO day!"
Hello all,
Thought I would take time to do a little blogging, and say "hello", before getting back to the hard work of taking a ZERO day.
Hikers sometimes take a ZERO when out on trail, not putting in any miles for the day. It gives them an opportunity to heal, rest, do a few necessary town chores, or lay around the tent/hammock/shelter reading a good book. ...and, quite often, just enjoy the sounds of the falling rain.
Today happens to be my second day off from work... it is raining steadily, I have some "corn on the cobb" cooking, that will soon supply me with some warm comfort food, and I have few desires to make any foreward progress.
There certainly are some things I need to get done, but not before eating some delicious corn! My goal for the day is to sand up at least ten ScriptureStick hiking stick blanks, getting them ready for an application of scripture. The New Portland Fair is coming right up, and I am in need of some more ScriptureSticks for that event. That little fair, co-ordinated by the Lions Club, is the premier "small town" fair in our area, where everyone is sure to see all the friends and neighbors that have not been seen since last fair. Suprisingly, we have also had encounters with many hikers at that fair, and that is always a treat!
Work has been going well lately, and has been a bit more enjoyable with my being able to deliver a few loads of lumber to my favorite places... places that cross the Appalachian Trail! I've had a couple of runs to Jackman, which takes me through Caratunk, where the trail crosses the Kennebec River. The official means of crossing the Kennebec on the A.T. is via the Kennebec Ferry. It is a canoe, and I believe Dave Corrigan is the current, and colorful, ferryman. I've also had a couple of runs up to Spring Lake. That run takes me up Long Falls Dam Road, up past the Bigelows and Flagstaff Lake. I cross the Appalachian Trail at the trails' "2000 mile mark", and always look up and down trail to see if I might spot a thruhiker.
Hmmm... and mmmm! My corn is ready, and I must go! Sorry to run, but I promise to come back soon!
God Bless you all!
Thought I would take time to do a little blogging, and say "hello", before getting back to the hard work of taking a ZERO day.
Hikers sometimes take a ZERO when out on trail, not putting in any miles for the day. It gives them an opportunity to heal, rest, do a few necessary town chores, or lay around the tent/hammock/shelter reading a good book. ...and, quite often, just enjoy the sounds of the falling rain.
Today happens to be my second day off from work... it is raining steadily, I have some "corn on the cobb" cooking, that will soon supply me with some warm comfort food, and I have few desires to make any foreward progress.
There certainly are some things I need to get done, but not before eating some delicious corn! My goal for the day is to sand up at least ten ScriptureStick hiking stick blanks, getting them ready for an application of scripture. The New Portland Fair is coming right up, and I am in need of some more ScriptureSticks for that event. That little fair, co-ordinated by the Lions Club, is the premier "small town" fair in our area, where everyone is sure to see all the friends and neighbors that have not been seen since last fair. Suprisingly, we have also had encounters with many hikers at that fair, and that is always a treat!
Work has been going well lately, and has been a bit more enjoyable with my being able to deliver a few loads of lumber to my favorite places... places that cross the Appalachian Trail! I've had a couple of runs to Jackman, which takes me through Caratunk, where the trail crosses the Kennebec River. The official means of crossing the Kennebec on the A.T. is via the Kennebec Ferry. It is a canoe, and I believe Dave Corrigan is the current, and colorful, ferryman. I've also had a couple of runs up to Spring Lake. That run takes me up Long Falls Dam Road, up past the Bigelows and Flagstaff Lake. I cross the Appalachian Trail at the trails' "2000 mile mark", and always look up and down trail to see if I might spot a thruhiker.
Hmmm... and mmmm! My corn is ready, and I must go! Sorry to run, but I promise to come back soon!
God Bless you all!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
ScriptureStick to-it-ive-ness!
Is ScriptureStick to-it-ive-ness a real word? ...It is now!
I was giving a bit of thought tonight, as to the effectiveness of our ScriptureStick Ministry. IS it effective!? Are we reaching anybody with the Good News?!? It seems like a lot of work sometimes, with little tangible evidence of desired results...
...but, after a little prayer, and a bit of thoughtful consideration of the results that I DO see, we can't quit now! I was drawn to look into some scripture, finding the following...
"But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. 2 Timothy 4:5"
...I need to keep a clear mind, proper perspective, and not be afraid. Not be afraid of failure, hard work, or suffering of any kind. I need to continue to WORK at telling others the Good News!... and FULLY carry out the ministry God has given me!
Wow! If any of you don't know what it is that we do, please visit our ScriptureSticks site. In a nutshell, we make hiking sticks. Each ScriptureStick has a verse of scripture routed and burned into it. Our goal is to encourage through scripture, one verse and one stick at a time... and prayerfully have that scripture touch the reader in such a way that he or she will want to read MORE scripture, eventually, and ultimately, seeking Christ! (Go to our site!)
So... it is clear to me that the only "problem" with our ministry is that I need to stop doubting... and work harder! ...and YOU might be able to help! Please pray for me/us, and that God's Word will be read! Please partner with us, and make me work harder! The more ScriptureSticks I have to make up, the happier I am!
Thanks for letting me have this little chat, you're a great listener! I'll get back to you all later, give an update, but have to call it quits for the night. 'Til then...
...God Bless!
I was giving a bit of thought tonight, as to the effectiveness of our ScriptureStick Ministry. IS it effective!? Are we reaching anybody with the Good News?!? It seems like a lot of work sometimes, with little tangible evidence of desired results...
...but, after a little prayer, and a bit of thoughtful consideration of the results that I DO see, we can't quit now! I was drawn to look into some scripture, finding the following...
"But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. 2 Timothy 4:5"
...I need to keep a clear mind, proper perspective, and not be afraid. Not be afraid of failure, hard work, or suffering of any kind. I need to continue to WORK at telling others the Good News!... and FULLY carry out the ministry God has given me!
Wow! If any of you don't know what it is that we do, please visit our ScriptureSticks site. In a nutshell, we make hiking sticks. Each ScriptureStick has a verse of scripture routed and burned into it. Our goal is to encourage through scripture, one verse and one stick at a time... and prayerfully have that scripture touch the reader in such a way that he or she will want to read MORE scripture, eventually, and ultimately, seeking Christ! (Go to our site!)
So... it is clear to me that the only "problem" with our ministry is that I need to stop doubting... and work harder! ...and YOU might be able to help! Please pray for me/us, and that God's Word will be read! Please partner with us, and make me work harder! The more ScriptureSticks I have to make up, the happier I am!
Thanks for letting me have this little chat, you're a great listener! I'll get back to you all later, give an update, but have to call it quits for the night. 'Til then...
...God Bless!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Too hot for hiking!?!
Hey All,
Thought I would take a quick minute to tap out an update...
I was just sitting here in the sweltering heat tonight, thinking about the hikers out on trail, and just how difficult it must be. I pray for their safety, and that they go slow, stay hydrated, and enjoy every stream pond and lake they come across.
4Iron called me the other night to invite me along on a two day hike, from Caratunk to Flagstaff/Bigelow. I couldn't make it, but also pray that they had a great time!
David "Faithful" Barnes successfully completed his hikeof the Long Trail, which traverses Vermont, from Massachusetts to Canada. I haven't had opportunity to speak with him, but know that he made it OK!
A couple of weeks ago, Cari and I went along on a canoe/kayak/camping/cooking excursion to the Upper West Branch of the Penobscot River. Her brother Tim put it all together, and did a great job! There were 12 of us, including Tim's wife Robin, their two teens, Zach and Garret, Cari's cousin, Cherie, and husband Keith, plus their children. What a crew! It was a lot of flat water paddling from Roll Dam down to Chesuncook, then Southerly on big ol' Chesuncook Lake, to the take out. Things weren't always flat calm though... We started our paddle in the pouring rain, and then all pulled together late in the day to get a fire started and gather loads of wood. Things always look better when warming up around a fire! The trip was full of eagle sightings, and, for a couple in the group, moose sightings!
On the next to last day we stayed at Mouser Island, and a tremendous storm came up. Across the lake was a group of paddlers from Camp Modin of Belgrade, Maine. When it hit, it hit hard, swamping and flipping the young girls out of their canoes. As soon as the storm cleared enough to see, Tim and I jumped into kayaks, heading out into the rough water. A lot of praying was going on, for Tim, myself, and the poor campers. High winds, tall waves, and a lot of lightning made it frightening, but we pushed on. We managed to rescue kids, canoes, and gear,(must have had a dozen teenaged girls drying out in Keith and Cherie's big "family tent") and Zach, Garret, and Keith got a call out to the warden service for much needed help. Two of their boats arrived on scene, helping to get everyone and their canoes/gear back to the other side of the lake. It all ended well, with many thanks to all involved, and special thanks for God's protection!
Next day... paddled out in high winds/water, and headed to Baxter State Park. After a good nights sleep, we all made the big climb up Mt. Katahdin (Highest elvation in Maine)! Cari was the only one who didn't attempt it... she had taken a bad fall a couple of days before the paddle started, and was pretty bruised. She closed up the campsite, then assisted in getting a couple of hikers some help with their disabled vehicle. The Day was "perfect" for hiking, and a good hike was had by all!
...I am still in "recovery"!
God Bless you all, stay out of that hot sun!
Thought I would take a quick minute to tap out an update...
I was just sitting here in the sweltering heat tonight, thinking about the hikers out on trail, and just how difficult it must be. I pray for their safety, and that they go slow, stay hydrated, and enjoy every stream pond and lake they come across.
4Iron called me the other night to invite me along on a two day hike, from Caratunk to Flagstaff/Bigelow. I couldn't make it, but also pray that they had a great time!
David "Faithful" Barnes successfully completed his hikeof the Long Trail, which traverses Vermont, from Massachusetts to Canada. I haven't had opportunity to speak with him, but know that he made it OK!
A couple of weeks ago, Cari and I went along on a canoe/kayak/camping/cooking excursion to the Upper West Branch of the Penobscot River. Her brother Tim put it all together, and did a great job! There were 12 of us, including Tim's wife Robin, their two teens, Zach and Garret, Cari's cousin, Cherie, and husband Keith, plus their children. What a crew! It was a lot of flat water paddling from Roll Dam down to Chesuncook, then Southerly on big ol' Chesuncook Lake, to the take out. Things weren't always flat calm though... We started our paddle in the pouring rain, and then all pulled together late in the day to get a fire started and gather loads of wood. Things always look better when warming up around a fire! The trip was full of eagle sightings, and, for a couple in the group, moose sightings!
On the next to last day we stayed at Mouser Island, and a tremendous storm came up. Across the lake was a group of paddlers from Camp Modin of Belgrade, Maine. When it hit, it hit hard, swamping and flipping the young girls out of their canoes. As soon as the storm cleared enough to see, Tim and I jumped into kayaks, heading out into the rough water. A lot of praying was going on, for Tim, myself, and the poor campers. High winds, tall waves, and a lot of lightning made it frightening, but we pushed on. We managed to rescue kids, canoes, and gear,(must have had a dozen teenaged girls drying out in Keith and Cherie's big "family tent") and Zach, Garret, and Keith got a call out to the warden service for much needed help. Two of their boats arrived on scene, helping to get everyone and their canoes/gear back to the other side of the lake. It all ended well, with many thanks to all involved, and special thanks for God's protection!
Next day... paddled out in high winds/water, and headed to Baxter State Park. After a good nights sleep, we all made the big climb up Mt. Katahdin (Highest elvation in Maine)! Cari was the only one who didn't attempt it... she had taken a bad fall a couple of days before the paddle started, and was pretty bruised. She closed up the campsite, then assisted in getting a couple of hikers some help with their disabled vehicle. The Day was "perfect" for hiking, and a good hike was had by all!
...I am still in "recovery"!
God Bless you all, stay out of that hot sun!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Faithful hiking "Long Trail"
Hello, hello!
Thought I would give you all a little update on David "Faithful" Barnes, and ask you to keep him in your prayers.

Faithful was my hiking partner on the Appalachian Trail Mission Hike in 2007. The picture of him, above, is from that wonderful hike. While I came off trail in New York, Dave was well on his way SOBO. He hiked into the Fall, came off trail, then went back on trail in the Spring, completing the whole A.T. within a year!
I recieved an e-mail from his mom, Lillian the other day, with news that Faithful was going back on trail... this time he hikes the "Long Trail"! The plan was that he would start on trail sometime yesterday.
The Long Trail is in Vermont... in fact, it runs 272 miles along the length of the State of Vermont, from the Vermont/Massachusetts border, near Williamstown, MA, to the Vermont/Canada border, near North Troy, Vermont. The trail is the oldest in the U.S., built between 1910 and 1930, by the Green Mountain Club, and pretty much follows the ridge of the Green Mountains! Faithful should be able to enjoy some of Vermont's highest peaks, and it's most beautiful hiking!
The start of the Trail should be very familiar to Faithful, as the first 100 miles of the Long Trail is also part of the Appalachian Trail... but ALL of the hike will be a new adventure! Faithful should be able to complete the hike in about four weeks, but... just to make the hike more enjoyable, safer, and successful... let's all make an effort to include Faithful in our daily prayers! I know that your prayers will be greatly appreciated by Faithful and family, and thank you for them.
I must sign off for now, but will let you know if I hear more news about Faithful.
Hope all of you are being Blessed greatly!
Thought I would give you all a little update on David "Faithful" Barnes, and ask you to keep him in your prayers.

Faithful was my hiking partner on the Appalachian Trail Mission Hike in 2007. The picture of him, above, is from that wonderful hike. While I came off trail in New York, Dave was well on his way SOBO. He hiked into the Fall, came off trail, then went back on trail in the Spring, completing the whole A.T. within a year!
I recieved an e-mail from his mom, Lillian the other day, with news that Faithful was going back on trail... this time he hikes the "Long Trail"! The plan was that he would start on trail sometime yesterday.
The Long Trail is in Vermont... in fact, it runs 272 miles along the length of the State of Vermont, from the Vermont/Massachusetts border, near Williamstown, MA, to the Vermont/Canada border, near North Troy, Vermont. The trail is the oldest in the U.S., built between 1910 and 1930, by the Green Mountain Club, and pretty much follows the ridge of the Green Mountains! Faithful should be able to enjoy some of Vermont's highest peaks, and it's most beautiful hiking!
The start of the Trail should be very familiar to Faithful, as the first 100 miles of the Long Trail is also part of the Appalachian Trail... but ALL of the hike will be a new adventure! Faithful should be able to complete the hike in about four weeks, but... just to make the hike more enjoyable, safer, and successful... let's all make an effort to include Faithful in our daily prayers! I know that your prayers will be greatly appreciated by Faithful and family, and thank you for them.
I must sign off for now, but will let you know if I hear more news about Faithful.
Hope all of you are being Blessed greatly!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
One moose, two moose, three moose...and no camera!
Hello everyone,
(Yes, Dave E., "everyone" means especially you!) I have to kid a bit, as my friend, Dave, is up home from Florida to work at camp and visit a bit... and I had a chance to catch him there yesterday. He asked why I hadn't been posting to the blog for almost a year, and I was "Honest" with him. I was busy!!! Of course, he will read the previous blog regarding the "prodigal stickman" and see the truth... I squandered my time. So the whole truth is that if you "get busy" you can become complacent about important things, relegating them to the back burner. After a bit you just.... you know what I'm trying to say, and I again ask you all to forgive (not ovelook) my shortcomings.
Shortcomings... brings me back to the subject of the title of this post. If I had just brought a camera I could post up a picture... now I'll have to use up a thousand words! This last Sunday I got up, showered, and readied for Church. Suddenly I realized that I was attending alone. Cari had picked up my "cold" (I'll call it that), and was miserable. Of course, she had only had it for a few days, and I had suffered with it for three weeks... and mine was a MAN-COLD!
When all was said and done, I decided it best not to attend either. No sense in infecting a whole congregation... Alternate plan: attempt a hike up to Little Bigelow!
I changed into hiking garb, grabbed a daypack and a ScriptureStick, and headed to the store. There, I picked up a six-pack to leave at the Little Bigelow Lean-to for other hikers to enjoy. I thought of leaving "Moxie" but picked up "Pepsi" instead.
So, off I went. A very pleasant 33 mile drive from Madison up through Lexington/Highland to the Bigelow Preserve. Hanging a left at "the mailboxes", I was quickly parked at the trailhead. To the Trail! I walked slowly, on easy trail, enjoying the music of the birds which were accompanied by the sounds of the wonderful stream running off to the right of me. Becoming lost in the experience, I was somewhat surprised to realize that there was a big animal just off to my left. Wait! It was a BIG "big animal", and two LITTLE "big animals"! MOOSE!!! Yes, it was a cow moose with two young'uns! They couldn't have been more than 20 - 25 feet away, and I had no camera!!! The babies looked at me a bit nervously, fidgeting just a bit around Mom, looking to her to see what to do. She just gazed at me for a minute or more, then started to slowly walk alongside the trail. We walked together for just a little way, then she angled slightly away from me, taking her children ever deeper into the tree cover, and safety. This is, by far, at the top of my list for animal encounters... and I was totally unprepared, camera-less!
To try to make up for my slip up, I will re-post another "very cool" moose picture, one from the 2007 thru-hike attempt. The picture is NOT mine. Huck Pendolino snapped the shot as the moose peered into his tent!

Thanks, Huck, for letting us post your moose picture! I'm sure it was a harrowing experience hearing her walking around outside your tent, then "checking in on you"!
Sooo... my hike continued. It is only 1.3 miles to the shelter, on fairly easy terrain, but I was huffing and puffing like an old Stanley Steamer by the time I got there, with my lungs not quite right from my recent man-cold, and lack of activity. By the way, the Stanley Steamer was a creation of the twin brothers, F.E. and F.O. Stanley, of Kingfield, Maine, and you can visit the Stanley Museum right there at Kingfield!
Arriving at the shelter, I found the little springhouse destroyed by fallen trees, so I made a bit of a depression in the spring-stream flow, depositing the drinks to cool for any hikers that should come along. I sat at shelter, reading log entries, and was surprised to find only half a dozen entries thus far this year. I added my own entry, while swatting away at the vicious blackflies, then returned to the main trail. I looked uptrail, thinking that I should surely continue another 1.8 miles to the top of Little Bigelow, and take in the view... but my lungs weren't going to get me there, and the weather was changing quickly. I returned to the trailhead, jumped in the truck, and replayed the little hike in my mind over and over again on my way home. It is amazing how Blessed our time can be... if we just take the time!
So, I'll get this blog closed up for now, take a little ride up to the lake to see my friend Dave, and enjoy all the Blessings God has in store for me today!
Take time to let God Bless your time too!
(Yes, Dave E., "everyone" means especially you!) I have to kid a bit, as my friend, Dave, is up home from Florida to work at camp and visit a bit... and I had a chance to catch him there yesterday. He asked why I hadn't been posting to the blog for almost a year, and I was "Honest" with him. I was busy!!! Of course, he will read the previous blog regarding the "prodigal stickman" and see the truth... I squandered my time. So the whole truth is that if you "get busy" you can become complacent about important things, relegating them to the back burner. After a bit you just.... you know what I'm trying to say, and I again ask you all to forgive (not ovelook) my shortcomings.
Shortcomings... brings me back to the subject of the title of this post. If I had just brought a camera I could post up a picture... now I'll have to use up a thousand words! This last Sunday I got up, showered, and readied for Church. Suddenly I realized that I was attending alone. Cari had picked up my "cold" (I'll call it that), and was miserable. Of course, she had only had it for a few days, and I had suffered with it for three weeks... and mine was a MAN-COLD!
When all was said and done, I decided it best not to attend either. No sense in infecting a whole congregation... Alternate plan: attempt a hike up to Little Bigelow!
I changed into hiking garb, grabbed a daypack and a ScriptureStick, and headed to the store. There, I picked up a six-pack to leave at the Little Bigelow Lean-to for other hikers to enjoy. I thought of leaving "Moxie" but picked up "Pepsi" instead.
So, off I went. A very pleasant 33 mile drive from Madison up through Lexington/Highland to the Bigelow Preserve. Hanging a left at "the mailboxes", I was quickly parked at the trailhead. To the Trail! I walked slowly, on easy trail, enjoying the music of the birds which were accompanied by the sounds of the wonderful stream running off to the right of me. Becoming lost in the experience, I was somewhat surprised to realize that there was a big animal just off to my left. Wait! It was a BIG "big animal", and two LITTLE "big animals"! MOOSE!!! Yes, it was a cow moose with two young'uns! They couldn't have been more than 20 - 25 feet away, and I had no camera!!! The babies looked at me a bit nervously, fidgeting just a bit around Mom, looking to her to see what to do. She just gazed at me for a minute or more, then started to slowly walk alongside the trail. We walked together for just a little way, then she angled slightly away from me, taking her children ever deeper into the tree cover, and safety. This is, by far, at the top of my list for animal encounters... and I was totally unprepared, camera-less!
To try to make up for my slip up, I will re-post another "very cool" moose picture, one from the 2007 thru-hike attempt. The picture is NOT mine. Huck Pendolino snapped the shot as the moose peered into his tent!

Thanks, Huck, for letting us post your moose picture! I'm sure it was a harrowing experience hearing her walking around outside your tent, then "checking in on you"!
Sooo... my hike continued. It is only 1.3 miles to the shelter, on fairly easy terrain, but I was huffing and puffing like an old Stanley Steamer by the time I got there, with my lungs not quite right from my recent man-cold, and lack of activity. By the way, the Stanley Steamer was a creation of the twin brothers, F.E. and F.O. Stanley, of Kingfield, Maine, and you can visit the Stanley Museum right there at Kingfield!
Arriving at the shelter, I found the little springhouse destroyed by fallen trees, so I made a bit of a depression in the spring-stream flow, depositing the drinks to cool for any hikers that should come along. I sat at shelter, reading log entries, and was surprised to find only half a dozen entries thus far this year. I added my own entry, while swatting away at the vicious blackflies, then returned to the main trail. I looked uptrail, thinking that I should surely continue another 1.8 miles to the top of Little Bigelow, and take in the view... but my lungs weren't going to get me there, and the weather was changing quickly. I returned to the trailhead, jumped in the truck, and replayed the little hike in my mind over and over again on my way home. It is amazing how Blessed our time can be... if we just take the time!
So, I'll get this blog closed up for now, take a little ride up to the lake to see my friend Dave, and enjoy all the Blessings God has in store for me today!
Take time to let God Bless your time too!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Trail Days at Damascus
Hey all y'all,
Yeah, that was my lame attempt to type "Southern"! Y'all, of course, would be you, and all y'all would be all of you! I thought i'd get in the mood for the upcoming trip to Damascus, Virginia, for the incredible Trail Days at Damascus gathering. This will be the 25th year for the event, which is the largest gathering of hikers in the world. Here's a link to the official website... http://www.traildays.us/
Bad news is... we won't be able to make it down there this year. Time and money, the two usual suspects, are once again at the root of the problem. So it is... But, we would like to encourage any that can make it, GO! It is a wonderful time, and an experience that is truly unique.
Cari and I will content ourselves with all the other things at hand in our lives, and resign ourselves to the reality that Trail Days just isn't workable for us this year.
I did get an e-mail from Johnny "4-Iron" Male, a hiker I have had the pleasure of speaking with these last few months. He is a "local", living but a half hour from us, up here in Maine. Currently, he is on trail, working on a thruhike, and expecting to hit Damascus at just about the right time! So... Johnny 4-Iron, here's to you! Y'all have a wonderful time, and may God Bless every step of your hike...
God Bless All Y'all, too!
Yeah, that was my lame attempt to type "Southern"! Y'all, of course, would be you, and all y'all would be all of you! I thought i'd get in the mood for the upcoming trip to Damascus, Virginia, for the incredible Trail Days at Damascus gathering. This will be the 25th year for the event, which is the largest gathering of hikers in the world. Here's a link to the official website... http://www.traildays.us/
Bad news is... we won't be able to make it down there this year. Time and money, the two usual suspects, are once again at the root of the problem. So it is... But, we would like to encourage any that can make it, GO! It is a wonderful time, and an experience that is truly unique.
Cari and I will content ourselves with all the other things at hand in our lives, and resign ourselves to the reality that Trail Days just isn't workable for us this year.
I did get an e-mail from Johnny "4-Iron" Male, a hiker I have had the pleasure of speaking with these last few months. He is a "local", living but a half hour from us, up here in Maine. Currently, he is on trail, working on a thruhike, and expecting to hit Damascus at just about the right time! So... Johnny 4-Iron, here's to you! Y'all have a wonderful time, and may God Bless every step of your hike...
God Bless All Y'all, too!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Stickman, where ARE you!?!
I am HERE!!!

I am sure you have all heard the story of the "Prodigal Stickman"... (the word 'prodigal' means 'wastefully extravagant')! In the story of the prodigal Stickman, said Stickman has disappeared from the blogging scene, and has squandered his blogging time in the most wastefully extravagant ways. Blogging opportunities abounded, but Stickman selfishly failed to blog...
...the GOOD news! When Stickman returned to his blogsite and began blogging again, his Blogfollowers graciously forgave him, welcoming him back with open arms!
Now that I have poked at your funnybone, I would like to seriously ask your forgiveness for my shortcomings... and with that, promise to try MUCH harder to keep the blog updated!
Currently... Working two jobs, trying to raise money for my next thruhike!
... Cancelled 2011 thruhike ministry plans, for lack of $$$!
... Trying to fund upcoming trip to Trail Days at Damascus(May 13th-15th)
... Gearing up for local Trail Ministry/Magic on A.T.!
... Making more ScriptureSticks!
... Get ready for local "Relay for Life", prepare more ScriptureSticks!
... Looking forward to local Fairs and Events to bring ScriptureSticks!
Yup, i know it was a "short posting", but I really DO have things to get done today, so I gotta go... But WAIT!!! Has anyone asked for God's Blessings for your life today? NO!?! I will!
May God be present in your life, and Bless you, exceedingly!

I am sure you have all heard the story of the "Prodigal Stickman"... (the word 'prodigal' means 'wastefully extravagant')! In the story of the prodigal Stickman, said Stickman has disappeared from the blogging scene, and has squandered his blogging time in the most wastefully extravagant ways. Blogging opportunities abounded, but Stickman selfishly failed to blog...
...the GOOD news! When Stickman returned to his blogsite and began blogging again, his Blogfollowers graciously forgave him, welcoming him back with open arms!
Now that I have poked at your funnybone, I would like to seriously ask your forgiveness for my shortcomings... and with that, promise to try MUCH harder to keep the blog updated!
Currently... Working two jobs, trying to raise money for my next thruhike!
... Cancelled 2011 thruhike ministry plans, for lack of $$$!
... Trying to fund upcoming trip to Trail Days at Damascus(May 13th-15th)
... Gearing up for local Trail Ministry/Magic on A.T.!
... Making more ScriptureSticks!
... Get ready for local "Relay for Life", prepare more ScriptureSticks!
... Looking forward to local Fairs and Events to bring ScriptureSticks!
Yup, i know it was a "short posting", but I really DO have things to get done today, so I gotta go... But WAIT!!! Has anyone asked for God's Blessings for your life today? NO!?! I will!
May God be present in your life, and Bless you, exceedingly!
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