Kelly called a bit ago with some updates from the base of Bemis Mountain. It's about 4:30 pm right now, and Kel and David are going to try to make it to the Bemis Mountain lean to, which would require climing the mountain and getting to the other side where the lean to is located. Kel said Bemis would be the fifth mountain they've climed today, and should reach the other side in about three hours. They said they had some minor showers and had done a lot of climbing (kel talked about stairs in the side of the mountains, steel rungs in the rocks they had to climb like monkey bars... wow... ) and had just gotten soaked by a big storm right before he called. The guys are doing great, but they are very tired and sore. They definitely said that they will be losing some weight from their packs... soon! We'll update when we have more news!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/2/07...Overcast and 50 degrees at 5:45 AM. Repack my gear, and on trail at 6:45, with rain lightly falling. Have taken batteries out of the radio and put them in camera. Camera problem solved.
This ended up being a grueling day. The sun came out for a bit, which helped, but the climbs and descents were killers. We thought that we were making good time, though, come to find out, we averaged 1/2 mile per hour...YIKES! We managed to call home from what we thought was Bemis Mtn.. Later, we hit the summit of Old Blue Mtn., at 3600 ft., which is BEFORE Bemis Mtn...oops...It was an interesting day, going under and over endless blowdowns, navigating numerous stairways, up and down, and climbing several iron ladders, that are imbedded into the faces of the steep rock. We never made it to Bemis Mtn. Lean-to, todays destination. We had to camp just off the trail. It had rained very hard, and we still had six more miles to Bemis, but had run out of time. There was no room for a tent or a hammock, so we slept on a very small piece of real estate that was just large enough to allow us to lay our mats out, and a place to put the stove. We were pleased to get a hot meal into us, which we surely needed! We were bedded down at 9:00PM.
It was still a wonderful day. We saw more wildlife, and got a couple of good pictures...but mostly we looked down all day, look, step, look, step. Food for the day consisted of two energy bars that Cari had made, a packet of vegetables mixed in with some Ramen noodles...Yum, Yum!...Also had a 1/2 bag of trail mix, handful of dried bananas and strawberries, and some pistachio nuts...
So, that's that!...Love you all!
Oh, one more thing! When we hit South Arm Rd., in Andover, there was "Trail Mail" tacked to the sign, in a plastic bag. It was for Stickman and Faithful, and had a nice caricature of us on the cover sheet. Inside were letters from Dan and Lillian, Jonathan and Misty, and Pastor Al and Margaret! SO NICE! Words of encouragement and prayer...Thanks to all!
Good night, john-boy...(temps in low 50's tonight)
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/2/07...Overcast and 50 degrees at 5:45 AM. Repack my gear, and on trail at 6:45, with rain lightly falling. Have taken batteries out of the radio and put them in camera. Camera problem solved.
This ended up being a grueling day. The sun came out for a bit, which helped, but the climbs and descents were killers. We thought that we were making good time, though, come to find out, we averaged 1/2 mile per hour...YIKES! We managed to call home from what we thought was Bemis Mtn.. Later, we hit the summit of Old Blue Mtn., at 3600 ft., which is BEFORE Bemis Mtn...oops...It was an interesting day, going under and over endless blowdowns, navigating numerous stairways, up and down, and climbing several iron ladders, that are imbedded into the faces of the steep rock. We never made it to Bemis Mtn. Lean-to, todays destination. We had to camp just off the trail. It had rained very hard, and we still had six more miles to Bemis, but had run out of time. There was no room for a tent or a hammock, so we slept on a very small piece of real estate that was just large enough to allow us to lay our mats out, and a place to put the stove. We were pleased to get a hot meal into us, which we surely needed! We were bedded down at 9:00PM.
It was still a wonderful day. We saw more wildlife, and got a couple of good pictures...but mostly we looked down all day, look, step, look, step. Food for the day consisted of two energy bars that Cari had made, a packet of vegetables mixed in with some Ramen noodles...Yum, Yum!...Also had a 1/2 bag of trail mix, handful of dried bananas and strawberries, and some pistachio nuts...
So, that's that!...Love you all!
Oh, one more thing! When we hit South Arm Rd., in Andover, there was "Trail Mail" tacked to the sign, in a plastic bag. It was for Stickman and Faithful, and had a nice caricature of us on the cover sheet. Inside were letters from Dan and Lillian, Jonathan and Misty, and Pastor Al and Margaret! SO NICE! Words of encouragement and prayer...Thanks to all!
Good night, john-boy...(temps in low 50's tonight)
1 comment:
Kelly,Been wondering how things are going. Called Cari,she updated us.I know hiking in wet weather is not fun. Hope you get nice weather soon.Enjoy everyday.Just know that we are praying for you and Dave and will add you both to our Wed. night Bible study list.God Bless you! Col.3:17
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