Lot's going on up here these days, and Cari and I can hardly catch our breath. No complaints, though, as most of the hectivity...(I think I just made up a new word! HECTIC and ACTIVITY = HECTIVITY)... has been all good.
I have to say, it was good to take a couple of days away at Acadia, to do a little recharging... and it was a FUN time for Cari and I.
Some other good stuff! The truck! A few weeks back, I had wanted to go to Caratunk to try and hook up with a few hikers, maybe do a quick hike. Cari asked me how I would get there, as she had to work. I said "the truck", of course, referring to the old Dodge I use to go gather sticks. She then asked me if I thought that the truck would make it all the way to Caratunk and back... Well, I had to be honest... probably not. She then suggested that we look into purchasing a truck that was for sale just down the street from us. We now own (we and the Bank), a pretty nice truck. It is, for sure, the nicest truck I have ever owned. It is a 1998 Ford F-150 with a Leer Cap and a Bedrug liner. It has 108,000 miles on it, but runs well, and has NO RUST! We are pretty sure it can make it to Caratunk and back. It will be so wonderful for us, as we take our ScriptureSticks to events. The Pittsfield Egg Festival is coming right up, so we will get a chance to try it out! We are both feeling very blessed!
Speaking of Pittsfield Egg Festival, we are doing our best to get ready for it. Cari and possibly Elizabeth will do the Festival this year, as I have a Hibbard Family Reunion to attend on the same day... yeah, I know... I was the one that set the date for the reunion... what was I thinking!... But, it's all good, isn't it!?!
We have lot's of sticks to do, and are a little behind. I guess that is good also, to have something to do... We pray that those of you who are waiting will continue to be patient with us, we will get caught up soon... I think!
Last week... what a blast! I was asked to help out with TEEN WEEK out at our Church, Crossroads Bible Church, and decided I could do that. I am so glad that I got involved with these wonderful youth! The blessings were all mine! I was the speaker one night, which was kinda neat, and stretched me a little, out of my comfort zone. Again, it was all good! I got to know some of the youth a little better, and spent some quality time with some of the leaders. ... Special message to the YOUTH... I have gotten the jello, shaving cream, and silly string off of me! I will be looking for you! I hope you all had as good a time as I did, and that you also took something with you from the weeks messages!
This coming weekend... is the start of MOTORCYCLE CHURCH at Crossroads! We hold it for several Saturdays, for the biker's, and anyone else who would like to come. It starts at 6:00 PM and generally runs a couple of hours. There is free food and drinks, music, great fellowship and a message. On August 30th there will be a Motorcycle Rodeo, which is a blast! Although Cari and I do not have a motorcycle at this time, we still like to be involved, and will provide the food for one of the nights, and will do the music for another night. It is a great time, and we hope some of you might join us... bring a friend! See you there!
Now... what to do next?... mow the lawn!... no, no... weed the garden!... maybe... go cut some sticks... or rout some!

I'll try to do a little of everything, I guess!
Keep us in prayer, if you would, it is really appreciated!
Until next time, God Bless you all,
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