Sunday, May 10, 2009

Jean's Gems, ready to walk for the "Relay for Life"!

Hello everyone!

It's that time of the year... again!

That could mean just about anything depending on who you are, and what you do. My sister, Jody, (and many, many others), is in the midst of getting ready for the "Relay for Life", held this June 9th, at the Skowhegan Fairgrounds. It is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. (Did you know that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime?)... They have lot's of other fundraisers also, including a delicious turkey fry, with fixin's, and seeking out donations and items to be raffled or auctioned off. A very worthy cause to support. Jody captain's the awesome "Jean's Gems, the next Gemeration", The team was started up in honor of our Mom, Jean Hibbard, who we lost to cancer. We also honor our Dad, William Frederick (Bill, Fred, or Freddy), who we lost at age 55, and our brother Terry, who passed from cancer at the age of 46. Yes, cancer touches EVERY family... I hope that you will be supportive of a team in your area, participate in a relay, or make a generous donation to a worthy cause. For our area, check out the ("Relay for Life", Skowhegan), online... You will be able to get a load of information, check out all the teams and their members, and even make a donation!... might I even suggest helping out the team dearest to my heart? "JEAN'S GEMS!" ...Thanks! ...also, for all of you hikers out there... this is a great opportunity for you to put some miles on those old boots, for a worthy cause! Check with a team... they would love to include you! Or, consider starting a team!

Thanks, and God Bless!


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