...too close for me. He thought that it was pretty cool. Yikes! He thinks as he made his way back to the trail he pushed another one out ahead of him...or a deer. He is in Falls village conn today picking up a package or two at the post office and hopefully cleaning up a bit. He called from the top of a small mountain, just beautiful. It is very hot and humid right now which makes hiking a challange. He talked about his experiances in Great Barrington and how helpful the cobbler was at the Eagle Shoe and Boot Co there and his wonderful diner experiance at the neighborhood Diner meeting Tim and Pop and the other regulars. And, Nate and Tim's friend Tim that both gave Kel a ride to and from the trail. Thank-you sooo much. We heard from David's family last night and he is in the area of Greenwood Lake N.Y right now. His hike is going well. It sound as though he has met some helpful people on the trail with few mishaps. He warned Kelly about all the poison ivy coming up in N.Y and PA. Thanks Dave!. Looks like in a day or two Kel will be hitting his 6th state! New York.
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...8/29/07...Wednesday... I got a bit of a late start out of the Hemlocks, as we spent a lot of time talking. I had a very good hiking day, although it is still very hot and humid, and I am exhausted. I didn't see many hikers going NOBO, but got to talk to all I saw.

I ended my day after 17.5 miles of hiking, stopping at Limestone Spring Lean-to. I am here by myself, and it is a little lonely. I wish and pray that I would see more hikers.
Oh, yeah... add 1/2 mile to that daily mileage! It is a VERY difficult 1/2 mile downhill hike from the Trail to the shelter. I don't really look forward to the climb-out hike in the morning! But, on the sunny side of things, I DID get to walk some very beautiful ridges today. It kind of reminded me of some of the rock-walking in the movie, "Last of the Mohicans".
I'm a little sad to see the condition of this shelter, and the grounds around it. It is a VERY beautiful area, but has felt the impact of those who can't appreciate it... It is dirty and littered, and some clever folks chose to burn the "Fires Prohibited" signs...

I think, as I settle down to sleep, that I will dwell on the beauty I DID see, and on the possibilities that come with the dawn...
God Bless,
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...8/30/07...Thursday... Lions and Tigers and BEARS! OH, MY! Yes, BEARS!... Or one, anyway...
I had the pleasure of being woken up at Limestone Springs Lean-to this morning, at about 5AM. I heard a noise, and thought that it must be a porcupine, trying to get at my hiking poles, and eat them. They are attracted to the salt that is deposited on the handles by sweating hikers. I switched on my headlamp, and swung around to try to catch the critter in the act. To my surprise, it was a bear walking by the Lean-to, about 15 feet from me! I grabbed for my camera, that was stored behind me, but he had walked on, giving a couple of grunts, before I could get a picture. I was a little scared, but also disappointed, as I wanted a picture of a bear so badly. Well, maybe next time, and hopefully, not that close!

Later in the day, I did get a good set of pictures of a rattlesnake, that was not more than 2 feet off the trail. He was 3 1/2 to 4 feet long, and very fat. I know that I couldn't have gotten my hand to close around him. Can you find his head and his rattle?
I had to go into Falls Village, CT., for my mail drop, then ate at a little restaurant before going back to the trail. I didn't see a lot of folks today, and only two NOBOs. I also didn't cover many miles today,.

Although my meetings were few today, I had great encounters with the folks that I did meet. I ask God to Bless them, and to Bless you, also.
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