Kel hiked almost 40 miles with a boot blow-out! He got into Great Barrington and found a cobbler to do a repair....what an adventure. LLBean is shipping a new pair to his first drop in NY so I hope his boots last until then! We spoke only briefly and he said that he would call tomorrow with some stories but it was late and he was in the shelter and didn't want to disturb anyone. He is having a great time...enjoying the scenery and the people, having a great hike. Still wishes he could lighten up his pack some more(it is running around 30-35 lbs). More tomorrow!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...8/28/07...Tuesday... What an interesting day! I got to the road, eventually, and tried to hitch-hike into Great Barrington. As I sat there, I had the pleasure of sharing my water with another hiker, a fella named Joel. In return for my kindness, he offered up great conversation, then proceeded to

entertain me for a while with his guitar. He was, indeed, a fantastic guitarist! After blessing me with a private concert, Joel eventually decided to strike off into the woods, and I stood there.... for a very long time, trying to decide if I should continue to attempt a hitch, or to admit defeat, and start walking towards town. Indecisive, I leaned back on a big rock, and shortly after, a vehicle wheeled over to the side of the road to rescue me from making a definitive choice. He also saved me from a fairly long road-walk. The wheelman was Nate, a kind and likeable young man. He was so kind, depositing me in town, near several restaurants, and within 4 or 5 blocks of the cobbler! I trekked down to pay a visit to the cobbler, first thing, and was a little dismayed that he felt that the boots were "done for". OK, I'll admit it... I felt terrible! These were my faithful "Crestas"! They had been loyal to me for many, many miles! What he was suggesting, I couldn't accept... it was like putting down "Old Blue", or some other well-loved companion! I stared at my boots, then looked, pleadingly, into the eyes of the cobbler.

He was a very busy man, and had a whole bunch of shoes and boots to work on. Footwear that he KNEW he could save. He appeared to be unwavering in his diagnosis. Suddenly, I heard his wife speak. "Isn't there anything you can do, couldn't you try?", she said to him. He glanced at her, then back to me, and said that he would try. He quickly turned back to his work. I smiled at the wife, and she returned the same, and offered to charge my cell phone while I went off to find something to eat. So, I killed some time by treating myself to a nice dinner at a local diner. I took my time, and eventually it was getting late enough that I was beginning to worry that I might get "stuck in town". Back to the cobbler I went, to find him still working on them. All went well, though, and he only charged me a small sum for the repairs. Happily, I was on my way! Outside, I met the young man who had waited on me at the diner.

His name was Tim, and he rented an apartment from the cobbler. We talked for a bit, and when I said I was trying to get back to the trail, Tim promptly flagged down a van

that was passing by. He said to the driver, "Tim, this is Stickman. He needs to get across town, so he can get back on trail. Can you get him there?". Sure thing! So, Tim, and Tim, and I, talked for a bit, then off we went. I was still looking at 8 more miles of hiking to get to the shelter, and Tim and Tim were saving me a couple of miles. All of a sudden, I saw Joel on the road! He had not had a very good day, and was exhausted! Tim pulled over, picked him up, and I got him rehydrated again. A decision had to be made as to how much more hiking was going to be done that day. Very little... Tim and Tim were very kind in bringing us further up the road, where we were able to pick up the trail very close to the shelter. (If anyone is keeping track on mileage... IF I am able to make it to Springer Mtn., I would STILL have to come back to do these 6 miles to be considered a real thru-hiker!). After a hike of about another mile, we arrived at the "Hemlocks" Lean-to.

A young lady, "Sweetness" was there, and we talked for a bit, had a nice meal, and then enjoyed the musical desserts of Joel, playing several tunes on his guitar. What a wonderful night!
I also was able to call my wife, Cari, tonight. It is always so nice to hear her voice! She told me that she has been in touch with L.L. Bean, and they have new boots on the way to me. They will be at Falls Village, CT., when I get there.
With that, I will close. Love to all, and God Bless!
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