The hikers spent 2 days with family and friends. They made it to Monson and Faithful's family came to take him home for resupply and visiting. Stickman stayed at the Shaw House, a WONDERFUL , friendly place with GREAT food! How nice to sleep in a bed and get a hot shower, too. Tim at the General Store was great and directed the boys up to the Mobile place for their first food off trail. Faithful consumed an Italian Sandwich and a 12 inch pizza, and Stickman had 2 whoopie pies, a 12 inch pizza and a 2 liter pepsi! Hungry dudes! The weekend was filled with the great hospitality at the Shaw house (thanks Dawn, Dick,Dana, and Sue....you are wonderful!), new faces ( Murphy, Emily, Zoe, One Tree Hammock, Huck (love that picture of the moose....don't forget to send it!), Whiskers,Wizard and Munchkin (hope that ankle is better soon and you are back on the trail), and other names I am sorry I can't recall. All wonderful people with great storis and advice about the trail. And, words of encouragement. We love the caring spirit that seems to be the common thread amoung the hikers. An unforgetable weekend that ended with Sunday night guitar playing and singing (One Tree...we christians certainly do love you!) Many sticks were given out here and much sharing of faith and God's goodness.
Today, they are back on the trail and sleeping in the firstLean-To heading north to Katahdin tonight. LIllian hiked the first 3 miles or so. She said it was beautiful. She was picked up at an intersecting road by the people at Shaws to get back to her car..... 91 plus miles to go for the hikers...but all is well. Kel and Dave say Hello to All...wish you were here!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/16/07...Saturday...Great day today! Got up early, was out of the shelter by 7:00 AM. We had a good hike, doing over 9 miles and having to walk the two miles into town from the trailhead. That’s OK though, got a few more interesting pictures because of it. By the way, we got into town about 11:30 AM, 9 miles in 4 ½ hours...Not too bad! Can’t say as we had much contact with people, until we made it into town. We came down Pleasant Street, past Shaw’s, where I would be staying. We went to the Monson General Store, where there is a payphone. I had tried all day to get a call through to Cari, but could not get a signal. I decided to try one more time, before using the payphone, even though I was in a low spot in town. OK, Lord, help me out, please! Tap, tap, tap...Ring, ring, ring! It went through! But, I soon found out, if I moved in any direction more than a step or two, I caused the signal to weaken. I stayed put, and managed to get a hold of my love, Cari. She was in Waterville, trying to get the shopping done. She said that she would come up for the night, which pleased me to no end. Love that girl! Then, we called Faithful’s folks, and they said that they would like to come up and bring him home for a brief rest, and church on Sunday, if he liked. He liked. So, since Faithful and I had some time to kill, we went on a serious hunt for food. We found it at the local fuel station/grocery/deli. As it happens, it is where my cousin, Gerald “Jerry” Hibbard had worked before he passed on. Most everyone in Monson had known him, and liked him. That connection opened up a lot of opportunities for conversations with folks, and I really enjoyed talking with everyone. There are very friendly people in this little town, and I thank them for their hospitality. There was a nice young lady doing the cooking at this store, and she did a great job in getting us fed. Faithful got an Italian sandwich and I got a 12” pizza...and a couple of whoopie pies...the real good ones made by Steves’ Snacks, out of Skowhegan, Maine. I managed to wash it all down with a Boss Pepsi! Then, something went haywire for Faithful! He had been drinking a juice with his sandwich, but it just wasn’t working out right! He also had to buy a 12” pizza, so he could have something to eat with his leftover drink...As you might guess, he also had to purchase another drink, so he could finish his pizza...It’s a vicious circle, folks, it really is! But, it seemed to eventually work out, and all ended well. His folks showed up, we chatted for a bit, then they were on their way. I yakked with a few other folks, and a real nice lady asked if I was doing the trail. I answered to the affirmative, and that I planned to get a room at Shaw’s for the night. She said that she worked there! I asked if she might be able to hold a room for Cari and I, and she did. When I arrived there, much later, all was taken care of. Thank you so much Dana, you’re wonderful! While I waited for Cari, I stopped at a yard sale, browsing and chatting. I helped a gentleman load a very interesting workbench/desk into his truck. It weighed a ton, but we managed to get it into the truck. Then, the lady having the yard sale chatted with me, and we talked of all sorts of things, such as Rusty Farrin moving his auction house out of Skowhegan. Yes, Rusty, we certainly miss you out on Rt. 201, even the good folks of Monson...We chatted some more, which I think we were both fairly adept at doing, and she offered me a soft drink, which I accepted. Now, killing time can, at times, be hard work, but all these nice people in Monson kept me busy, and I found their kindness to be genuine! What a great bunch of people...they aren’t even deterred by the fact that hikers tend to be a bit odiferous! I eventually moved on, and got to talk to many more people in town, explaining that I was hiking the trail as a Christian Mission. They even listened as I explained t. God is so good. As I got over to the corner of the towns main thoroughfare and Pleasant Street, which I needed to venture up to get back to Shaws, I found myself standing by the payphone again, and eye to eye, so to speak, with the Monson General Store. Now folks, if you’ve never been to Monson this might be a good reason to go. In fact, a great time to go to the General Store would be any Friday night. I, of course was once again, a day late...but I went in anyway. What a treat! I got to sign a hiker’s register, and then sat at a little table with the owner, chatting, as we sipped on ice cold drinks. Great, friendly conversation and cold cream soda...life is good! The owner of this fine establishment is Tim, who is a friend to hiker’s. Actually, he is a friend to everybody, and I repeatedly observed him treating folks like kin, instead of strangers. By this time, I’m beginning to think that I may not make it all the way up past the next four or five houses to get to Shaws, because I might get invited to supper by somebody! No kidding! Friendliest people I’ve ever met! As Tim and I chatted, I found that he loves music, and opens up his little General Store on Friday nights, letting folks come from all around to play and sing. They bring along quite an array of instruments, banjos, mandolins, guitars, and whatever else they can make music on and just have a good time. Boy, did I miss out! For sure, some Friday night, I will go back to Tim’s place, the Monson General Store. Hope to see you there! Now, things are starting to go into full swing, as my lovely wife, Cari, has just arrived...and it’s off to SHAWS. Hey everybody, this is hiker heaven! We got to pick out our own room, and it is awesome. They have fixed the place up wonderfully, and it is soooo relaxed. Dana, who reserved our room, is super. She’s also Dawn’s daughter. Dawn is a co-owner with Sue. Oh yeah, can’t forget Dick. He is Dawn’s husband. These people are very accommodating, and fun! We got all settled in, then had a bit of time to meet other hikers. We got to know some of them a bit, and shared our ministry with them. One girl asked about the sticks, and the scripture on them. “You mean, like from Proverbs and Psalms?”. You bet! She had to go out for a bit, and while she was gone, I had brought a stick in. When she returned, she looked at the stick, and said, “Hey, that’s the verse I just had in my head!”. Again, GOD IS GOOD! We have her address, and will send that ScriptureStick to her home. And that is what is going on in Monson, Maine. I am starting to ramble on, so will stop for now...God IS good, and I pray He Blesses you!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/17/07...Sunday...Another great day! Started out with a fantastic breakfast, and some wonderful folks to eat it with. Meeting some super people here, Zoe, Whiskers, Emily, Murphy, One-Tree Hammock, Huck (a fellow Christian), Chuck Norris, and a couple from New York...can’t recall their names right now, but hopefully will remember in a bit... Dawn, one of the owners of SHAWS, had invited Cari and I to their Church, but we had made plans to go to Monson Community Church, Pastored by David Ray. We had made that connection through Faithful’s dad, Dan, who had Pastor Ray in one of his classes. As it goes, we never made it to the service. Instead, Cari and I drove the New York couple to Bangor, so that they could get a rental car. He had twisted his ankle badly, and they were having to come off the trail. They are planning to resume the hike when he is better, so I hope to see them again. We did take the opportunity to leave them with a ScriptureStick for their son. The day was quite pleasant, and when late afternoon rolled around, someone said that I would be awesome (or something like that) if I could come up with a guitar. Always up to a challenge, I headed out. I first went and ordered a big pizza, which Cari and I shared with our fellow hikers. The young girl that made the pizza said that she would loan us her guitar, but it was in Abbott, and she had no one to bring it to her. I asked around, left a message for Tim, at the General Store, and at the same time tried to find out where Pastor Ray lived. Eventually, I tracked him down. He lives right beside Shaws! I introduced myself, told him my needs, and he began making phone calls. He had no luck, but I thanked him for his efforts, and left him with a ScriptureStick. As I walked back over to Shaws, he came outside and told me he had found one! Hooray for Pastor Ray! We went for a little ride to get the guitar, from a man named John. It was a beauty! Thanks so much John! Well, I was a hero when I got back to Shaws! The great thing, come to find out, is that Murphy has LOTS of talent on a guitar, and is a fantastic singer to boot! He kept us entertained late into the night with his music, and his easy way. When Murphy was done for the night, we found that One-Tree Hammock and Whiskers could also play. Well, we did wrap it up eventually, and some of us went to bed...Good night! God Bless.
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/18/07...Monday...Got up early with Cari this morning, and set up my meals in preparation for the “100 mile wilderness”. We got it all together, then Cari had to leave to head back to Madison, and work. I miss her already! I got my stuff into my pack and waited for breakfast. It was another great day at the table, with Murphy, Emily, Whiskers, One-Tree, and Huck. There was lot’s of banter with Dawn, as she and Dick were todays cooks. They are so nice! I hung out with the group as they came and went, checking for their mail and such. I got to have great conversations with Huck and One-Tree. Then, I went down to the General Store to visit with Tim a bit, and he said that he was sorry that he wasn’t around last night, as he would have loaned his guitar. As it ended up, I did borrow his guitar, as the other one would need to be returned. It made me smile when I walked up the driveway at Shaws, and from inside the house, I heard, “He’s got ANOTHER one!”. Thanks Tim, you are one of a kind. And thanks again to Pastor Ray, and John, you guys are great!...Lillian showed up with Faithful, and we left Shaws for the trail. She hiked with us from the Pleasant St. trail junction to Route 15, a distance of about 3 miles, and did a great job! At Rt. 15, she gave us a nice helping of blueberry pie! Yummy! Thanks, Lillian! Then, we were off on the trail again...We met the “Brit” a little ways along. He was having a bit of knee trouble, but was still moving well. I checked with Shaws later, to see if he had made it in, and he had. Here’s hoping that you heal up quickly, Brit! On we went to the Leeman Brook Lean-to, arriving there at about 6:40 PM, having started out at about 2:00PM. We had walked about 6 miles, which was not bad at all. It was pretty quiet around camp, so we had ourselves a nice meal together, before we called it a night. Now it’s time to get some rest, so good night to all of you, and God Bless!
The hikers spent 2 days with family and friends. They made it to Monson and Faithful's family came to take him home for resupply and visiting. Stickman stayed at the Shaw House, a WONDERFUL , friendly place with GREAT food! How nice to sleep in a bed and get a hot shower, too. Tim at the General Store was great and directed the boys up to the Mobile place for their first food off trail. Faithful consumed an Italian Sandwich and a 12 inch pizza, and Stickman had 2 whoopie pies, a 12 inch pizza and a 2 liter pepsi! Hungry dudes! The weekend was filled with the great hospitality at the Shaw house (thanks Dawn, Dick,Dana, and Sue....you are wonderful!), new faces ( Murphy, Emily, Zoe, One Tree Hammock, Huck (love that picture of the moose....don't forget to send it!), Whiskers,Wizard and Munchkin (hope that ankle is better soon and you are back on the trail), and other names I am sorry I can't recall. All wonderful people with great storis and advice about the trail. And, words of encouragement. We love the caring spirit that seems to be the common thread amoung the hikers. An unforgetable weekend that ended with Sunday night guitar playing and singing (One Tree...we christians certainly do love you!) Many sticks were given out here and much sharing of faith and God's goodness.
Today, they are back on the trail and sleeping in the firstLean-To heading north to Katahdin tonight. LIllian hiked the first 3 miles or so. She said it was beautiful. She was picked up at an intersecting road by the people at Shaws to get back to her car..... 91 plus miles to go for the hikers...but all is well. Kel and Dave say Hello to All...wish you were here!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/16/07...Saturday...Great day today! Got up early, was out of the shelter by 7:00 AM. We had a good hike, doing over 9 miles and having to walk the two miles into town from the trailhead. That’s OK though, got a few more interesting pictures because of it. By the way, we got into town about 11:30 AM, 9 miles in 4 ½ hours...Not too bad! Can’t say as we had much contact with people, until we made it into town. We came down Pleasant Street, past Shaw’s, where I would be staying. We went to the Monson General Store, where there is a payphone. I had tried all day to get a call through to Cari, but could not get a signal. I decided to try one more time, before using the payphone, even though I was in a low spot in town. OK, Lord, help me out, please! Tap, tap, tap...Ring, ring, ring! It went through! But, I soon found out, if I moved in any direction more than a step or two, I caused the signal to weaken. I stayed put, and managed to get a hold of my love, Cari. She was in Waterville, trying to get the shopping done. She said that she would come up for the night, which pleased me to no end. Love that girl! Then, we called Faithful’s folks, and they said that they would like to come up and bring him home for a brief rest, and church on Sunday, if he liked. He liked. So, since Faithful and I had some time to kill, we went on a serious hunt for food. We found it at the local fuel station/grocery/deli. As it happens, it is where my cousin, Gerald “Jerry” Hibbard had worked before he passed on. Most everyone in Monson had known him, and liked him. That connection opened up a lot of opportunities for conversations with folks, and I really enjoyed talking with everyone. There are very friendly people in this little town, and I thank them for their hospitality. There was a nice young lady doing the cooking at this store, and she did a great job in getting us fed. Faithful got an Italian sandwich and I got a 12” pizza...and a couple of whoopie pies...the real good ones made by Steves’ Snacks, out of Skowhegan, Maine. I managed to wash it all down with a Boss Pepsi! Then, something went haywire for Faithful! He had been drinking a juice with his sandwich, but it just wasn’t working out right! He also had to buy a 12” pizza, so he could have something to eat with his leftover drink...As you might guess, he also had to purchase another drink, so he could finish his pizza...It’s a vicious circle, folks, it really is! But, it seemed to eventually work out, and all ended well. His folks showed up, we chatted for a bit, then they were on their way. I yakked with a few other folks, and a real nice lady asked if I was doing the trail. I answered to the affirmative, and that I planned to get a room at Shaw’s for the night. She said that she worked there! I asked if she might be able to hold a room for Cari and I, and she did. When I arrived there, much later, all was taken care of. Thank you so much Dana, you’re wonderful! While I waited for Cari, I stopped at a yard sale, browsing and chatting. I helped a gentleman load a very interesting workbench/desk into his truck. It weighed a ton, but we managed to get it into the truck. Then, the lady having the yard sale chatted with me, and we talked of all sorts of things, such as Rusty Farrin moving his auction house out of Skowhegan. Yes, Rusty, we certainly miss you out on Rt. 201, even the good folks of Monson...We chatted some more, which I think we were both fairly adept at doing, and she offered me a soft drink, which I accepted. Now, killing time can, at times, be hard work, but all these nice people in Monson kept me busy, and I found their kindness to be genuine! What a great bunch of people...they aren’t even deterred by the fact that hikers tend to be a bit odiferous! I eventually moved on, and got to talk to many more people in town, explaining that I was hiking the trail as a Christian Mission. They even listened as I explained t. God is so good. As I got over to the corner of the towns main thoroughfare and Pleasant Street, which I needed to venture up to get back to Shaws, I found myself standing by the payphone again, and eye to eye, so to speak, with the Monson General Store. Now folks, if you’ve never been to Monson this might be a good reason to go. In fact, a great time to go to the General Store would be any Friday night. I, of course was once again, a day late...but I went in anyway. What a treat! I got to sign a hiker’s register, and then sat at a little table with the owner, chatting, as we sipped on ice cold drinks. Great, friendly conversation and cold cream soda...life is good! The owner of this fine establishment is Tim, who is a friend to hiker’s. Actually, he is a friend to everybody, and I repeatedly observed him treating folks like kin, instead of strangers. By this time, I’m beginning to think that I may not make it all the way up past the next four or five houses to get to Shaws, because I might get invited to supper by somebody! No kidding! Friendliest people I’ve ever met! As Tim and I chatted, I found that he loves music, and opens up his little General Store on Friday nights, letting folks come from all around to play and sing. They bring along quite an array of instruments, banjos, mandolins, guitars, and whatever else they can make music on and just have a good time. Boy, did I miss out! For sure, some Friday night, I will go back to Tim’s place, the Monson General Store. Hope to see you there! Now, things are starting to go into full swing, as my lovely wife, Cari, has just arrived...and it’s off to SHAWS. Hey everybody, this is hiker heaven! We got to pick out our own room, and it is awesome. They have fixed the place up wonderfully, and it is soooo relaxed. Dana, who reserved our room, is super. She’s also Dawn’s daughter. Dawn is a co-owner with Sue. Oh yeah, can’t forget Dick. He is Dawn’s husband. These people are very accommodating, and fun! We got all settled in, then had a bit of time to meet other hikers. We got to know some of them a bit, and shared our ministry with them. One girl asked about the sticks, and the scripture on them. “You mean, like from Proverbs and Psalms?”. You bet! She had to go out for a bit, and while she was gone, I had brought a stick in. When she returned, she looked at the stick, and said, “Hey, that’s the verse I just had in my head!”. Again, GOD IS GOOD! We have her address, and will send that ScriptureStick to her home. And that is what is going on in Monson, Maine. I am starting to ramble on, so will stop for now...God IS good, and I pray He Blesses you!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/17/07...Sunday...Another great day! Started out with a fantastic breakfast, and some wonderful folks to eat it with. Meeting some super people here, Zoe, Whiskers, Emily, Murphy, One-Tree Hammock, Huck (a fellow Christian), Chuck Norris, and a couple from New York...can’t recall their names right now, but hopefully will remember in a bit... Dawn, one of the owners of SHAWS, had invited Cari and I to their Church, but we had made plans to go to Monson Community Church, Pastored by David Ray. We had made that connection through Faithful’s dad, Dan, who had Pastor Ray in one of his classes. As it goes, we never made it to the service. Instead, Cari and I drove the New York couple to Bangor, so that they could get a rental car. He had twisted his ankle badly, and they were having to come off the trail. They are planning to resume the hike when he is better, so I hope to see them again. We did take the opportunity to leave them with a ScriptureStick for their son. The day was quite pleasant, and when late afternoon rolled around, someone said that I would be awesome (or something like that) if I could come up with a guitar. Always up to a challenge, I headed out. I first went and ordered a big pizza, which Cari and I shared with our fellow hikers. The young girl that made the pizza said that she would loan us her guitar, but it was in Abbott, and she had no one to bring it to her. I asked around, left a message for Tim, at the General Store, and at the same time tried to find out where Pastor Ray lived. Eventually, I tracked him down. He lives right beside Shaws! I introduced myself, told him my needs, and he began making phone calls. He had no luck, but I thanked him for his efforts, and left him with a ScriptureStick. As I walked back over to Shaws, he came outside and told me he had found one! Hooray for Pastor Ray! We went for a little ride to get the guitar, from a man named John. It was a beauty! Thanks so much John! Well, I was a hero when I got back to Shaws! The great thing, come to find out, is that Murphy has LOTS of talent on a guitar, and is a fantastic singer to boot! He kept us entertained late into the night with his music, and his easy way. When Murphy was done for the night, we found that One-Tree Hammock and Whiskers could also play. Well, we did wrap it up eventually, and some of us went to bed...Good night! God Bless.
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/18/07...Monday...Got up early with Cari this morning, and set up my meals in preparation for the “100 mile wilderness”. We got it all together, then Cari had to leave to head back to Madison, and work. I miss her already! I got my stuff into my pack and waited for breakfast. It was another great day at the table, with Murphy, Emily, Whiskers, One-Tree, and Huck. There was lot’s of banter with Dawn, as she and Dick were todays cooks. They are so nice! I hung out with the group as they came and went, checking for their mail and such. I got to have great conversations with Huck and One-Tree. Then, I went down to the General Store to visit with Tim a bit, and he said that he was sorry that he wasn’t around last night, as he would have loaned his guitar. As it ended up, I did borrow his guitar, as the other one would need to be returned. It made me smile when I walked up the driveway at Shaws, and from inside the house, I heard, “He’s got ANOTHER one!”. Thanks Tim, you are one of a kind. And thanks again to Pastor Ray, and John, you guys are great!...Lillian showed up with Faithful, and we left Shaws for the trail. She hiked with us from the Pleasant St. trail junction to Route 15, a distance of about 3 miles, and did a great job! At Rt. 15, she gave us a nice helping of blueberry pie! Yummy! Thanks, Lillian! Then, we were off on the trail again...We met the “Brit” a little ways along. He was having a bit of knee trouble, but was still moving well. I checked with Shaws later, to see if he had made it in, and he had. Here’s hoping that you heal up quickly, Brit! On we went to the Leeman Brook Lean-to, arriving there at about 6:40 PM, having started out at about 2:00PM. We had walked about 6 miles, which was not bad at all. It was pretty quiet around camp, so we had ourselves a nice meal together, before we called it a night. Now it’s time to get some rest, so good night to all of you, and God Bless!
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