I heard from the hikers this noontime. they were headed for Barren Mountain. They had made it to the Long Pond Stream Lean-To and were pushing on. We are hoping that the rain will miss them, although it was clouding in when we were on the phone. They met two hikers today....both from Georgia... But they were not hiking together! They expect to meet a few more hikers coming toward them from Katahadin. Kel is still trying to get a blister on his heel to heal, and David has been fighting an upset stomache. But, other than that, all is well! This is the 100 Mile Wilderness...70 plus miles to go!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/19/07...Tuesday...On the trail @ 8:15 AM, leaving the Leeman Brook Lean-to, skipping the Wilson Valley Lean-to, and arriving at the Long Pond Stream Lean-to at 7:00 PMish. Racked up a total of 12 miles. Not many hikers are around, and we only got to talk to a few of them. Where is everyone??? We did get to give out a few cards, and were able to share our Mission with Surge and his hiking partner, and a couple of others, one being a section hiker. Our meetings are few, but good. I am settling in for a good meal, and (hopefully) an equally good night of sleep! So, it’s good night to all of you, as I need to rest my body, and let the bruises heal. God Bless you all.
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/20/07...Wednesday...Skipping down the trail this morning at about 8:10 AM. It was quite overcast, with occasional bursts of sun popping out to warm us. The weather actually had held up fairly well, until just after we checked out the magnificent “Barren Slide”. As we began to make our way up Barren Mtn., the rain became steady. Everyday, however, has it’s bright, shining moments...one of today’s was meeting Alpine and Princess Brat. They both work at the Walasi-Yi Center, in Neel’s Gap, Georgia. They worked until the NOBO’s had moved through, then scooted to Katahdin to do a SOBO, having to be back at work in November, to serve the other SOBO’s and the Fall tourists. I shared with them our ministry, and gave them a card. Alpine asked that God might Bless me!...something that you don’t hear too much on the trail! He also said that they might be interested in selling our ScriptureSticks at Neel’s Gap! Who knows what God has planned! I tried not to hold them up too long, talking, as they were trying to get some miles in for the day. They also needed to make time, as they were down to one day’s food remaining. They assured us that they were OK on food, and as they left, Alpine again asked God to Bless our journey. With steps much lighter from words of encouragement, we also headed on our path, up and over Barren Mtn., past the Cloud Pond Lean-to, and finally, knocking off Fourth Mtn., too! I was now having a bit of a time, as I had hyper-extended my right knee several times, once badly. I then proceeded to take a good tumble, while going downhill. I landed hard on my left side, doing minor insult and injury to my shoulder and elbow, and spraining my wrist. The icing on the cake was that I bent one of my poles! I managed to straighten it out somewhat, and I think I can get quite a few more miles out of it...Next was Third Mtn., and finally, it was up, and over , Columbus Mtn., arriving at Chairback Gap Lean-to, at 6:30 PM sharp! To my amazement, we had traveled a little over 11 miles! Not bad! Alan, Smokey, and Kenneth are also here, and we all got a nice fire going to warm us up and dry things out a bit. I always seem to have the best time foraging for the wood! It is a major challenge to find good wood, especially when everything is soaked! Well, we have all cooked and eaten our suppers, shared some stories, and I got to share the ministry, which I never get tired of doing. Some folks are indifferent, some polite, some curious, and occasionally, someone is genuinely interested! I still love to share with them all, and I also enjoy their stories too! Hard to put the feelings to words, sometimes...Everyone is sound asleep now, except for Faithful and I, so I guess it would be prudent for us to follow their lead...time to close this one out, it is after 10:30 PM...Please keep us in prayer! God Bless!...You’re very sleepy now...there goes a mouse...sleepy...sleepy...OWL!...sleeeep.....sleeeeep......sleeeeeeeeep.....
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/19/07...Tuesday...On the trail @ 8:15 AM, leaving the Leeman Brook Lean-to, skipping the Wilson Valley Lean-to, and arriving at the Long Pond Stream Lean-to at 7:00 PMish. Racked up a total of 12 miles. Not many hikers are around, and we only got to talk to a few of them. Where is everyone??? We did get to give out a few cards, and were able to share our Mission with Surge and his hiking partner, and a couple of others, one being a section hiker. Our meetings are few, but good. I am settling in for a good meal, and (hopefully) an equally good night of sleep! So, it’s good night to all of you, as I need to rest my body, and let the bruises heal. God Bless you all.
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/20/07...Wednesday...Skipping down the trail this morning at about 8:10 AM. It was quite overcast, with occasional bursts of sun popping out to warm us. The weather actually had held up fairly well, until just after we checked out the magnificent “Barren Slide”. As we began to make our way up Barren Mtn., the rain became steady. Everyday, however, has it’s bright, shining moments...one of today’s was meeting Alpine and Princess Brat. They both work at the Walasi-Yi Center, in Neel’s Gap, Georgia. They worked until the NOBO’s had moved through, then scooted to Katahdin to do a SOBO, having to be back at work in November, to serve the other SOBO’s and the Fall tourists. I shared with them our ministry, and gave them a card. Alpine asked that God might Bless me!...something that you don’t hear too much on the trail! He also said that they might be interested in selling our ScriptureSticks at Neel’s Gap! Who knows what God has planned! I tried not to hold them up too long, talking, as they were trying to get some miles in for the day. They also needed to make time, as they were down to one day’s food remaining. They assured us that they were OK on food, and as they left, Alpine again asked God to Bless our journey. With steps much lighter from words of encouragement, we also headed on our path, up and over Barren Mtn., past the Cloud Pond Lean-to, and finally, knocking off Fourth Mtn., too! I was now having a bit of a time, as I had hyper-extended my right knee several times, once badly. I then proceeded to take a good tumble, while going downhill. I landed hard on my left side, doing minor insult and injury to my shoulder and elbow, and spraining my wrist. The icing on the cake was that I bent one of my poles! I managed to straighten it out somewhat, and I think I can get quite a few more miles out of it...Next was Third Mtn., and finally, it was up, and over , Columbus Mtn., arriving at Chairback Gap Lean-to, at 6:30 PM sharp! To my amazement, we had traveled a little over 11 miles! Not bad! Alan, Smokey, and Kenneth are also here, and we all got a nice fire going to warm us up and dry things out a bit. I always seem to have the best time foraging for the wood! It is a major challenge to find good wood, especially when everything is soaked! Well, we have all cooked and eaten our suppers, shared some stories, and I got to share the ministry, which I never get tired of doing. Some folks are indifferent, some polite, some curious, and occasionally, someone is genuinely interested! I still love to share with them all, and I also enjoy their stories too! Hard to put the feelings to words, sometimes...Everyone is sound asleep now, except for Faithful and I, so I guess it would be prudent for us to follow their lead...time to close this one out, it is after 10:30 PM...Please keep us in prayer! God Bless!...You’re very sleepy now...there goes a mouse...sleepy...sleepy...OWL!...sleeeep.....sleeeeep......sleeeeeeeeep.....
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