Haven't heard from the hikers in a couple of days...really not sure where they are...guessing possibly around Carl Newhall Lean To. Hopefully we will be able to get reception this weekend. I am also guessing that they will be hiking Katahadin the middle of next week if the weather holds. It all remains to be seen!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/21/07...Thursday...Left the shelter at Chairback Gap at 9:00 AM. After going up and over Chairback Mtn., we descended to ford the West Branch of the Pleasant River, which was very beautiful. Then, uphill for 6 ½ miles to the top of Gulf Hagas Mtn. Once on top, it was just another mile until we arrived at Sydney Tappan Campsite...Yup, campsite...figured it would be the perfect place to finally try out my hammock. It actually did work out quite well, even though I didn’t have it set up perfectly. I needed about two more feet between the two trees I chose, to be able to properly stretch out the fly. I made do, though, and I was quite comfortable, sleeping well, and waking up dry in the morning. It had rained pretty hard during the early morning hours of the day. All in all, it was a wonderful day, having had a chance to share the mission trip with some of the hikers. Other hikers were to hurried to stop and chat, as they scurried for the next shelter. I can’t blame them for not wanting to stop, as it rained off and on all day, depending on where you happened to be. We met a couple of fellas from Canada, and a few other hikers, including Lunar and Solar, and Shasta and Billie Goat. In the evening, we shared a fine fire with Roger, a programmer from Texas. It is always so much fun meeting other hikers, listening to their stories, and finding out where they are from. All in all, it was a wonderful day. We covered about 12 ½ miles today, getting to camp at about 5:30 PM...So, I would say we did it in 8 ½ hours. Not bad, when you factor in “talk time”, and such....Getting late, so it’s “lights out”...Good night, God Bless!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/22/07...Friday...We got everything wrapped up, packed up, and were on trail at 9:00 AM. We put in a super long day, getting to Cooper Brook Falls Lean-to at 7:15 PM. We were able to cover 17 miles in 10 ¼ hours...I believe that most of those miles were slogged in the rain. My feet took a real bad pounding today, but I have tried my best to take good care of them. They, (my feet), get a nice alchohol rubdown at night, followed up with a nice powdering. Happy feet! We need to try to get 16 miles in tomorrow, to reach the White House Landing, and get a good meal and a sleep in a bunk. We saw very few hikers today, and the ones that we did see were “on the fly”, trying to make some miles, even in the rain. One pair of hikers did stop to chat. They were Tod and Contact. Tod said that he would go to my website and leave his blog address. Contact was hilarious...he has all the gadgets, GPS, solar charger, and more! He was from New Hampshire, Tod from Georgia....We have had our evening meal, and I am exhausted...Oh, yeah! We got pictures of a moose yesterday, on the trail, and today I got pictures of a porcupine and an owl! Love to see the wildlife!...I guess I’d better close for the night, get a little shuteye...ah, sweet, blissful, sleep...all for now, good night, God Bless!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/21/07...Thursday...Left the shelter at Chairback Gap at 9:00 AM. After going up and over Chairback Mtn., we descended to ford the West Branch of the Pleasant River, which was very beautiful. Then, uphill for 6 ½ miles to the top of Gulf Hagas Mtn. Once on top, it was just another mile until we arrived at Sydney Tappan Campsite...Yup, campsite...figured it would be the perfect place to finally try out my hammock. It actually did work out quite well, even though I didn’t have it set up perfectly. I needed about two more feet between the two trees I chose, to be able to properly stretch out the fly. I made do, though, and I was quite comfortable, sleeping well, and waking up dry in the morning. It had rained pretty hard during the early morning hours of the day. All in all, it was a wonderful day, having had a chance to share the mission trip with some of the hikers. Other hikers were to hurried to stop and chat, as they scurried for the next shelter. I can’t blame them for not wanting to stop, as it rained off and on all day, depending on where you happened to be. We met a couple of fellas from Canada, and a few other hikers, including Lunar and Solar, and Shasta and Billie Goat. In the evening, we shared a fine fire with Roger, a programmer from Texas. It is always so much fun meeting other hikers, listening to their stories, and finding out where they are from. All in all, it was a wonderful day. We covered about 12 ½ miles today, getting to camp at about 5:30 PM...So, I would say we did it in 8 ½ hours. Not bad, when you factor in “talk time”, and such....Getting late, so it’s “lights out”...Good night, God Bless!
STICKMANS' JOURNAL...6/22/07...Friday...We got everything wrapped up, packed up, and were on trail at 9:00 AM. We put in a super long day, getting to Cooper Brook Falls Lean-to at 7:15 PM. We were able to cover 17 miles in 10 ¼ hours...I believe that most of those miles were slogged in the rain. My feet took a real bad pounding today, but I have tried my best to take good care of them. They, (my feet), get a nice alchohol rubdown at night, followed up with a nice powdering. Happy feet! We need to try to get 16 miles in tomorrow, to reach the White House Landing, and get a good meal and a sleep in a bunk. We saw very few hikers today, and the ones that we did see were “on the fly”, trying to make some miles, even in the rain. One pair of hikers did stop to chat. They were Tod and Contact. Tod said that he would go to my website and leave his blog address. Contact was hilarious...he has all the gadgets, GPS, solar charger, and more! He was from New Hampshire, Tod from Georgia....We have had our evening meal, and I am exhausted...Oh, yeah! We got pictures of a moose yesterday, on the trail, and today I got pictures of a porcupine and an owl! Love to see the wildlife!...I guess I’d better close for the night, get a little shuteye...ah, sweet, blissful, sleep...all for now, good night, God Bless!
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