Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Memphis Tim" in Monson

Just got an e-mail from "Memphis Tim" Tache, who has managed to hike up into Monson. Sure sounds like it's been rough out there for all our hiker friends, but Memphis has somehow maintained a sense of humor and a positive attitude! Oh well, I don't think he'll mind if I share his update... it will put a little more light on it... here goes...

"Tue Aug 12 16:11
Hi Everyone,
Well Maine was supposed to be my victory lap on this long walk. Instead it has been a crucible mushing all north-bounders into a soggy pulp. I have been lucky enough to hike through this state during the wettest summer on record. I have walked day after day through over rain slicked granite mountains, slippery roots and mud, mud, mud and more mud. The free hiker ferry over the Kenebec River was closed do to high water for the first time ever in August requiring a thirty mile shuttle in the back of a pick-up truck. Luckily the rain is easing a little and I was able to ford two rivers yesterday that were impassible a day earlier.
I am now in Monson, ME the last town on the trail 114 miles from Katahdin. Tomorrow comes the hundred mile wilderness, the most remote section of the entire trail. Today I am savoring my last "zero" day (no hiking). My aunt Mary Ann, uncle Eric and cousin Josh are joining me tonight for dinner and to take my last will and testament (I kid, I kid).
Despite a little hardship I really am in pretty good spirits and in about a week I will actually be able to say that I am an AT through-hiker. I just won't be able to explain why. I hope to see all of you up the trail. -Memphis Tim

After the first few thousand miles,
a man gets limber with his feet.
Sgt. Buster Kilrain, 20th Maine"

(Thanks, Memphis for the update, and I pray you have a fantastic finish to your hike! Hope you also have a wonderful time with your family tonight... God Bless!)

Hope you are all well, and that you enjoy sharing my little blurbs on my blog. Until next time, then... God Bless you all out there!
