Sunday, July 24, 2011

ScriptureStick to-it-ive-ness!

Is ScriptureStick to-it-ive-ness a real word? ...It is now!

I was giving a bit of thought tonight, as to the effectiveness of our ScriptureStick Ministry. IS it effective!? Are we reaching anybody with the Good News?!? It seems like a lot of work sometimes, with little tangible evidence of desired results...

...but, after a little prayer, and a bit of thoughtful consideration of the results that I DO see, we can't quit now! I was drawn to look into some scripture, finding the following...

"But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. 2 Timothy 4:5"

...I need to keep a clear mind, proper perspective, and not be afraid. Not be afraid of failure, hard work, or suffering of any kind. I need to continue to WORK at telling others the Good News!... and FULLY carry out the ministry God has given me!

Wow! If any of you don't know what it is that we do, please visit our ScriptureSticks site. In a nutshell, we make hiking sticks. Each ScriptureStick has a verse of scripture routed and burned into it. Our goal is to encourage through scripture, one verse and one stick at a time... and prayerfully have that scripture touch the reader in such a way that he or she will want to read MORE scripture, eventually, and ultimately, seeking Christ! (Go to our site!)

So... it is clear to me that the only "problem" with our ministry is that I need to stop doubting... and work harder! ...and YOU might be able to help! Please pray for me/us, and that God's Word will be read! Please partner with us, and make me work harder! The more ScriptureSticks I have to make up, the happier I am!

Thanks for letting me have this little chat, you're a great listener! I'll get back to you all later, give an update, but have to call it quits for the night. 'Til then...

...God Bless!
