Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Portland Fair, and such...

Good morning!

The day is off to a wonderful start! I was up and moving by 5:00 AM this fine morning, which would be considered a late start for many of the thru-hikers out there. But, whereas I am not on trail, it's not a bad start time. I do have a busy day, though, as I'm sure many of you do also. I first headed out to the Church to tear down, and carry off, the big signs that I had put up for our recent Motorcycle Church. By the way, that is a "way fun" ministry, with lot's of bikes, bikers, music, food, and messages. It was our third year of this ministry, and was awesome... and it seems to get better each year! ... so... see you there next year!

Busy... oh, yeah! Speaking of busy... I had a call a few days back from a friend at Church. I had told him to call me when he needed help putting up his new garage. Well, Andy called me, and today is the day. I said yes! Of course I will be there!... and I will. I just happened to forget that this weekend is New Portland Fair weekend. We have been attending it these last few years as vendors, with our ScriptureSticks. We never expect to sell any, are not dissapointed if we don't, and are pleasantly surprised if we do! Actually, we end up giving a few away, which serves to accomplish our intended goal... to have people be exposed to a little bit of scripture, and then carry it around for others to read.

Well, I best be getting going... while I did the sign demolition, Cari got everything together for the fair, and had it 99% loaded in the truck. About all I had to do was load a cooler, give her a kiss, and wish her well. Yup, she is going to go to the fair alone... I will help Andy for a good part of the day, then head for New Portland to help. Should be done around 8:00 PM., and come home. Tomorrow we do the Fair together, which will be fun.

So it goes... we run around, doing things, and hope we don't forget someone important (anyone...). We also hope that we don't lose sight of someone most important... God!

So, gotta go help Andy, and the crew. You all have a good time at the New Portland Fair, and stop by and say "Hey!", to my wonderful wife, Cari...

God Bless!


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